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Amata's pov:

I jerked when I opened my eyes again, wide as plates before violently starting to cough up water next to me, did someone try to drown me while I was out of something?! I coughed a little as I sat up, no more water coming up.

"Oh my goddess are you alright?" looking up I saw I wasn't alone as I first thought, the monks and my friends, the monks standing near the blue glowing pond I've seem to be pulled away from while my friends were right up in my face, not literally but you get me.

Fortis looked wet so he must have been the one having pulled me away... But didn't those blue glowing balls burn? (Don't laugh) Aura was sitting there and well I had coughed the water on her so her pants were now all wet but she seemed relieved nevertheless. Custos was also nearby, now the only one not drenched, I find it cute to see Viridi rolled up around her neck, she seemed the most worried of the three which was sweet.

"I'm fine." I coughed a little still and looked at the monks. "Explain."

"Once your spirit is free to meet the goddess that means your body is soulless." The dwarf said.

"So I basically died."

"In a way."

"And why was I coughing water?"

"It's only been a short while since your spirit had left despite its most likely seeming like day too you, it is my mistake to not have warned you."

"That's not what I asked... I fell over when it happened and you'd have left me like that if it wasn't for them." I truly wasn't happy as I held out my arm towards Custos and Viridi climbed on it and rolled around my neck like it always does.

"A person cannot die in the pool of tears." The wolf monk said. "Lifeless and yet more alive than anyone."

"I have a question... Just one... Answer this one... Do you see who the goddess is truly? Since you know the answer to all questions." But only silence answered me, giving me the answer. They didn't, only I did truly see her for who she was and how she looked. "Why?"

"She already explained to you, depending on the individual they were her in a way they understand, for myself she is like the rising sun, for my brethren fighting in their senseless wars she might look like a blood moon."

"Those are no descriptions."

"Can you describe her then?"

"... No, but I know how she looks."

"Now let's talk about this later, I can see your companions are dying to use their voices." I stared as they walked away as if nothing happened before I was hit on the head with a strong fist.

"What the hell cat?!" I yelled at Fortis who looked annoyed.

"Good goddess you are an idiot!!"

"What the heck?!"

"You idiot you might have died!!"

"They said it wouldn't happen!"

"And you thought we knew?!" I rubbed my head with an angry sigh.

"He is right Amata, we had no idea... Are you alright?" Aura asked looking the most level headed right now.

"Yeah." I said with a red face, looking away.

"You scared the soul out of me goddess." Custos face palmed, glaring a bit through her fingers.

"I'm sorry but even I didn't know this would happen."

"Yeah, anyway they somehow prepared new clothes for us, they say it will help us blend in a little with demons." Aura said, now that I take time to look they do have different stuff then what we came in here with.

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