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Custos' pov:

It was mind boggling to hear all Amata had to say about that land of fire as Aurum called it, all seemed so strange, people all having magic and being sane while calling themselves humans and all look the same? I get now why she just started bawling her eyes out after what she went through, it was insane to think for these three days she was out she spent almost three months there... But that means Aurum exaggerated a bit when he said years passed but that's the least bothering thing.

I was staring at the crystal that had somehow appeared in her hand when we weren't looking and she woke up, saying it was like the rest would be a lie, the normal fire crystals were a deep red while this one was a flamboyant orange with a flame dancing inside it, giving of more heat than the others. we were getting ready to leave, the storm had passed while Amata was unconscious, now we could get to the elves.

"Aurum I assume this will be the last time we see you before the end of my journey right?" She asked him, I still couldn't believe such a beast existed.

"Yes most likely so this crystal and marking are my goodbye gifts to you and Ira." He said.

"Yeah thanks." I fell behind a bit, stopping at the top of the stairs that lead us out of the mine part of the cave.

"Young wolf learn trust your heart not your mind because it can be a wrong judge of what is important." Aurum said, looking at me, I didn't answer because I didn't have an answer, just like Amata didn't have an answer for the question asked of her. I looked down, thinking before looking up and nodding briefly and walking out to the others.

"What were you doing there." Fortis asked a bit annoyed.

"I had forgotten my dagger on the ground." It was something he told me and I didn't think I should share it.

"You dumbass."

"Shut it Fortis."

"You shut it Amata." I sighed with a small smile and shook my head.

Soon we were back on the road, the air feeling quite cold but it was only because we had spent a few days in a cave heated by fire crystals, she had rolled hers up in a cloth piece she found on the cave's ground and put it in her bag. To think all the responsibility that weighed on her shoulder, the dragon's marking and the crystal, the red face markings, I'm happy I came along, she doesn't have to do it alone, carrying something becomes much easier with two persons, now three, then alone... It made me happy for some odd reasons.

We soon arrived at the foot of the mountain path and in front of us stretched out a forest further then the horizon maybe, the kingdom of the elves, they knew these forest by heart and what they hid, not a lot of people dared to step of the marked paths because it was like the whole forest was one giant organism that lived and breathed. we slowly followed the small stretch of road that continued from the mountain path to deep in the forest.

It was quite dark at first but it changed, the trees were taller then what I've had even seen in my life before now, taller than the tallest building in the wolf capital, their leaves so green and bight, the sun shining through them and on the lush grass underneath with patches of flower here and there.

"It's pretty right?" I looked at Amata who smiled back at me, I looked away, I must have had a stupid look on my face. She chuckled a little making me more embarrassed about this thing. the path slowly disappeared and we were now walking straight, hoping to somehow find what we were looking for.

"Let's stop for the night."

"This is the only good idea you had today Fortis."


"Custos, Fortis let's not fight in an unknown territory, we can't be against each other when other dangers are around us and I know you may say we were already always in danger and I can agree but we were on wolf territory then." She's right and even Fortis could tell she was right.

"I'll go get fire wood."

"And I'll get food."

"No." We looked at her. "I may not be an all knowing sage but you think we'd have made it this far normally? I'm more then sure we were being observed, we have food put away and a fire crystal for light, let's use those." We nodded in agreement.

We ate what we had in our backs, light was slowly getting less and less and finally the forest was engulfed in the night. bugs and few plants glowed with a gently light, our crystal being the bigger source of light around. I found it hard to go to sleep that night... Maybe something was watching us but who knows for sure?

???'s pov:

These people were interesting, mostly the red haired one, all were wolves but she didn't seem like it, golden eyes only angels have, red hair like vampires, slightly pointed ears like someone like me. what are they doing here? they shouldn't be this deep in the forest... Well I shouldn't either but that's a story for another day. I watched the others go to sleep while she stayed up, she intrigued me a lot and I could stay watching her days long.

She was right about it being better to just wait and not touch anything from the forest, my brethren wouldn't have been happy when the news of these people reach their ears, news of them destroying was the all mother created. I'm interested to see how this will turn out, who knows, I'll see what they are doing here tomorrow. 

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