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"I'm sorry if I ever contribute to the suffering of your heart."

you said that when you thought I was asleep. my back was pressed against your front as you kissed my ear and the side of my neck. you were about to cry but stopped.

"don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow."

you shouted this at me, louder than you expected, when I'd focus only on the negative. you changed my stupid, naive mindset massively- I now think positively thanks to you. thank you my second love.

"I won't let you fall apart."

you whispered this as we danced in your kitchen- waiting for the cake in the oven to finish. it was a delicious chocolate cake!

"these are the nights I want to remember."

you laughed- half drunk as we sat on your balcony, billie eilish playing in your living room.

"you will never not matter."

you reminded me when I had an anxiety attack. you crouched down in front of me, took my hands and kissed me softly.

"nobody told me there'd be days like this."

you told me with your arm around my shoulder, my fingers interlocked in yours as we walked through the park that evening- getting distracted by cute dogs. but you also mentioned this when we fought for the second time in a day, the two of us frustrated.

"never forget your own worth."

you reminded me when I ranted to you about my parents- tears threatening to spill from my eyes. you expressed your anger at the arranged marriage my parents were planning, with your hands in the air, frown on your face. you cupped my cheeks and gave me so much confidence.

"not all the people in your life are meant to stay."

you told me quietly when we sat on your floor, having a conversation about fake friends, friends who left and used us.

you gave me so much.

but it felt like a slap in the face when I realised the truth.

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