chapter 7

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The next morning in the shower I see a bruise on my leg from yesterday, but I didn't care about them, I just changed into the clothes I always wear, black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. My shoes would be black too, but they're dark gray, they didn't have any shoes in black the day I went to buy them, so this would have to work for me.

I get outside and make a promise to not come home right away after school, after yesterday I promised myself that I would ' go out more ' not to do anything like party and that stuff cuz I just don't like it, but I have to at prove my point.

On the bus I take out my homework and start doing it, avoiding eye contact with a pregnant lady that had her eyes burning holes in my neck as she stood next to me. I refuse to give my sit to people that expect me to, if she hadn't given me a death glare from the moment she got on the buss I would have stood up, but she did so screw her.

At the end of the ride I get off, careful to not touch the pregnant lady, as she kept her eyes on me as I walk out. I get into school taking off my glasses, I feel people push me and ask where did my fly glasses go, did they fly away? I roll my eyes as I hear people laugh at the joke, we're 17-18 year old people, it's time they started acting like it.

As I walk into Mr Steve class I sigh today we had to go see dyeing people again. I couldn't even process the information as Mr Steve came in and told us to hurry in the buss, joking with some students saying they were slower than the paralyzed people of the hospital. I ignore the joke and got on the bus, since I was the first on there I get a spot that was alone.

Just as I start getting comfortable Ethan sits next to me. God what's with this guy. "Hey man" he said as he sat down, but automatically drifting this attention to a group of girls that sat next to us and in front of us. The popular girls in the class, all of them used matching lipstick and had their hair in a bun, almost as if they wanted to look like each other. I hear Ethan start to take to them as other people in the buss join the chat, soon to be the whole Goddamn buss, only Ethan could get a crowd like this.

I try to get as low as I could to avoid being in the middle of this conversation, but sadly I was, I was right next to the guy that started it all. Making a reminder to avoid Ethan at all cost later on, I hear a voice coming my way.

"What do you think?" I look up to see one of those girls look at me, then I look around and see the hole buss had their attention on me, I feel my hands sweat and like my stomach was gonna turn on itself, never had i ever had so much attention on me, and I didn't like it.

"W-what?" I say looking at the girl, not believe a girl as pretty as her was talking to me, I heard the hole bus laugh, I couldn't tell if they were laughing at me, or with me, but I wasn't laughing.

"I can't believe it" the girl said laughing. "That was the best joke" she giggles still looking at me, as I try to make sense to what was happening. "Hey I have a lot of class with you don't I?" She asked me, and I nod, we had ever class together except P.E. "what's your name?" Just as I was going to open my mouth the bus stop and Mr Steve got everyone's attention again, telling us to go outside the buss.

Everyone gets off and I try to follow Ethan, so she could tell me what just went on, because I didn't get it at all. But before I knew it we were all in the hospital again, and I was walking to the room 072, I didn't even realize that until I hear her voice again.

"Hi" she smiled and I look down, I only got to see something purple on her head, but couldn't tell what it was. "How was your day?" She asked again. I hade to remember her name was Royal before I take my usual place and pull out the same notebook handing it to her.

"Finish writing it" I told her without looking up hearing her sigh.

"Not until you tell me how  your day was"

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