chapter 19

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"Cake partner!" I hear her scream as soon as I set a foot in the room, making me smile. "Can you get us some cake mom?"

Anna sighs and nods getting up. "Don't think I don't know your little trick you two" she eyed us as she walked out, making Royal giggle.

Her face was more pale than before. And her bandanna was different, still purple, but with Chinese letters.

"Are you ok?" I ask looking at her face.

"Yeah, why?" She asks sitting up.

"Your pale." I pass my hand through my face, indicating that her face was pale.

"Must be the quimo, yesterday was my last day." She said with smile.

"Congratulations" I sit down and pull my notebook out, ready to ask her the rest of the questions. "You ready?"

"Yes, but first tell me how your day was."

"Fine" I say shortly about to ask the other question, but she stopped me.

"No day can be fine. Describe me more." She said.

"Describe?" I ask, and she nods. I wasn't an interesting kid, my day was normal, it was fine. I didn't get what she  wanted me to say. "It was really fine?" I say, more in a question then an answer.

"No, no day can be fine." She said. Getting her notebook from her lunch table. "There's an example." She clears her voice. "My day started off with a long walk to the school." She starts, speaking in a deep guy voice again. "The sun was shining hard in my face, and I stepped on the gum on the way to school." She passed a little. "I was a little tired, and my eyes felt heavy, and I sat next to a really short guy on the way over there." She smiled ending her example.

I look at her resting my head on to on my hands. She was really gonna make me do this
"Well how was your day?" I ask.

She smiles. "I woke up and ate oatmeal for breakfast, it was hot, then freezing. It can never be warm. Then I walked around the room a little, and almost feel to my face, good thing my mom was there." She giggled but I didn't, that didn't seem funny to me. "Then a doctor took away my mom for some time, and I saw Drake and Josh until my mom and you came." She looked at me. "How was your day?"

With a big breath a start. "I woke up at 5, and walked to a bus stop and sat alone, it was glorious." I smile at her. "Then I walk inside and a friend was waiting for me. After presenting are self, we all walk to another bus and drove here, I sat next to a popular girl."

"Oh Mr popular" she blinks fast at me.

I laugh and shake my head. "No, it's not like that, I'm not popular, I'm a loser and a nerd." I answer truthfully.

"No one's a loser or a nerd" she said right back at me. "The fact that someone likes reading or math doesn't make them a nerd, or if someone likes to be alone, or doesn't have a lot of friends doesn't make them a loser."

"Then what does it make them?" I ask.

"The person they are." She answers right away. "If everyone was the same it would be a really boring world don't you think?"

I take some time to think this other until I responded. "But it wouldn't make anyone feel less about them self, if everyone had the same leave of intelligence or had the same amount of friends, people would be happier."

"I don't think that, everyone is smart in different way, and has different amount of friends. I think the thing that makes people unhappy it's that they're comparing themselves to someone else. And on one can be like someone else, it's impossible."

"Well sometimes other people compare you for you." I say remembering my parents.

"Everyone can do or say whatever they want, the deal is how you see yourself."

I stay quiet looking at her, typical case of someone that's never been in your shoes before, she just doesn't know what it's like, no one does.

"Easier said than done I know." She said right after. "But we gotta try, the few years of life we get, we have to make them happy don't you think?"

I didn't know what to answer, or even what to think of. I guess that's right for some of us, but the rest of us, like me, that don't have anything good, how can we be happy?

In fact, how can she be happy? She dying, doesn't she understand that? She should hate life just like me, because it took away everything from her, her freedom, her health, her childhood, her teen years, her home, her mobility, everything. How could she be happy?

This was my chance, I was going to ask her how she could be happy until her mom comes in.

"Here you go guys." She hands us the strawberry cakes and sits down in her chair. "Those were the last two pieces."

"Yes!" Royal screams out. "We are the chosen ones!" She puts her plat out, and I do the same making the plats high-five each other. "Thanks Mom"

"Yeah, thanks Ms.-" I stop there. I forgot. What was their last name?!

"No" she stops me before I can brainstorm about it. "Call me Anna" she smiles at me. "Ms Brooklyn sounds to old for me."

Brooklyn, that's what it was.

"Anyway how's your homework going? You getting any good information from Royal?"

"Yeah" I say "I haven't started but I have enough to do it I guess."

"Really? It hasn't even been a mouth." Anna said.

"That's because we're a dynamite team. Your report is gonna be the best one in your class." Royal said. "And you know how we gonna celebrate?" She raised her eyebrow at me and smirked.

And I took a wild guess. "Strawberry cake?"

"Yesss!" She said extending the s at the end. "A strawberry cake party"

"And if you don't?" Anna points out.

"We'll still celebrate." Royal said looking at me. "You can even bring your brother if you want."

Brother? I stop and look away, no, she couldn't meet him, she just couldn't. "He doesn't live with us, his in college" I say fast, no way I was gonna let Royal meet him. What if she preferred him too? I wouldn't be able to take that.

"Oh, then it'll just be the 3 of us." She said again.

That was better, the 3 of us sounded way better.

"Well anyway let's start the  questions, you still need to ask me some."

I smile with that, I really did need to ask  her some, but as I open my mouth I hear Mr Steve call us out. I sigh out loud hearing Royal giggle.

"I know I know, you want to be with me more." Royal said making Anna laugh.

I smile with her as I stand up giving her my cake and saying bye, already wanting Friday to come, so I can see her again.

"Hey wait!" She screams out to me. I stop and look at her, seeing with my left vision everyone walking out of their rooms. "I have a question for you."

I stay still, and quiet, waiting for the question.

"What's your name?"

This time I chuckle, right, I never told her that.

"Nickolas, Nickolas Greysen" I say "my friends call me Nick." I continue, almost as a joke, I didn't have friends but I thought it be funny, but it wasn't, it actually brought me down more.

"Ok" Royal said. "Nick" she giggles and winks at me.

I smile holding in a giggle as I walk out. I had to pull a serious face when I did, because everyone was waiting for me outside looking my me.

When I get to them we walk out and I see the same flower arrangement. Purple flowers.

Any good books you guys can recommend me?

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