chapter 26

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I had to put my glasses on to see my face was purple and blue, but only in little spots, most of it was red. I couldn't see my nose because it had a little metal holding it down, I was tempted to lift it up but I decided not to, I was sure I was gonna mess something up.

My forehead had scarce that had a thin patch of dry blood on them, I counted 6 on my forehead and 2 on my cheek, and a purple and blue brews on my chin. Black circulars around my eyes. I looked dead for one side of my face. And normal-ish on the other side. I can't believe falling on cement would do this to me.

I looked at my two cakes that rose got me and was just waiting for Royal to get out of that cat scan to go and eat them together. But as I was about to sit down Mr Steve came in.

I take a couple of steps backs, shocked and nerves. Why was he here?

He stands looking at my face, I can see horror in his eyes. "Nickolas, what...what happened?"

"I feel" I say, even if it's the truth, I still felt guilt in my words.

"From what? A billing!" He said.

"No, I was running and feel on the ground, I didn't know it could mess me up this much."

He takes a couple seconds to answer. "I came with the class, and they told me one of my students spent the night here." He said. "And that you've been coming to visit too.

Beatrice is a snitch.

I awkwardly nod and put my hands in my pocket. "I just came to see Royal a few times." I said, first I saw confusion and later pity, but pity for what? And that's when I realize. "Do you know anything about her?" I ask.

He nods. "Cat scan, but I believe you already know that."

I look down and nod. "Anything else?" I ask.

"Her cancer is back, that's about it, they explained some medicinal things but I'm in English teacher, and from what I can tell, what they said was not in English."

I stay quiet with his joke. And I could tell that Mr Steve saw that.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine, she's been fine all this year's, why would she stop now?" He pats my back.

I want to tell him he's wrong, that she never been fine, that she would be fine running around and partying at night, and probably in some art class, if she wasn't sick. Not in a cold hospital. But I said nothing.

"But it's really kind for you to stop by and see Royal, I'm sure she appreciates it." He said, and I think so to. I would appreciate it.

"Missing school won't affect your grade in any way." He said. "And I'll make sure the other teachers know this too." I nod and say a thank you before Mr Steve starts to step away, but before he opens the door he looks back at me. "You have visitors." His eyebrows go up before opening the door, and I see Rebecca run in and stop when she sees me, putting her hands over her mouth. She had a mini pink dress with a jacket on top of it.

"Oh my God." She gasps. Right behind her Ethan, with a lion king shirt, that also stopped and gasped letting his lips fall apart.

"What happened to you!" Rebecca moves closer to me and puts her hands up to my face but doesn't touch it, just hovers around it.

"Did you get jumped?" Ethan asked.

"No." I say. "I feel yesterday on the ground and it took time to get here." I say, I wasn't gonna tell them I was crying and running and feel to my face and just stayed there for hours.

"How did you fall?" Rebecca said, getting as close to me as she ever has, I could feel her body against mine, and I liked it, but at the same time, I didn't.

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