chapter 23

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Sorry for not updating.

I put the wheelchair to the edge of the bed and put my arms around Royal as she hooks her hands around my neck and I lift her up.

It was so easy that it scared me, she felt like nothing in my arms, and I wasn't exactly the strongest person out there.

I put her in the wheelchair that she told me to take, they were in the front of the hospital. Just for a second I thought I was gonna get stopped cause it's pretty hard to not see a super tall guy getting a wheelchair in front of the hospital. But Beatrice looked at me and gave me a little nod that came with a little smile and a head shake.

Royal pulled a page from her notebook and wrote a message for her mom saying that she was having fun with me and to not worry. I felt like this was gonna end bad, but I was to into the idea to let it go. I get the bag that was connected to her and huck it on a metal pole that the wheelchair had.

"Which way?" I say after she was all ready.

"Go straight down the hallway until you see a blue door with a yellow sign." She says, and I started to push her out of the room.

I felt excited, scared and happy, a combination of all 3. Knowing that we could get caught any second and sent back, and probably get me kicked out of here, just made everything more existing and dangerous in my mind.

We head out and I see everyone pass us as if they didn't see us. I look down at Royal who was leaning forward, looking pretty excited too.

We get to the blue door with the yellow sign and I push it open with my back and pull her in. Behind the door was another long hallway but you could only see a nurses and doctors walking around.

"Sure we can go through here?" I whisper to her looking around the place.

"I'm friends with everyone here, we only have to watch out for the director." She said.

"Who's the director?" I ask.

"A guy that looks like a novel actor, he's tan and really tall. His name's Mr Smith" She giggles. "Don't worry, you'll know if we see him."

I nod kind of remembering him from the first time I was here. I pass through the place in a calm way, you know, the slower you go, people won't think your up to something.

Nurses pass by us, some didn't see us at all, and others waved to Royal and gave me a confused look, but I just have them a smile to make sure they wouldn't stop us.

We kept walking until Royal told me to go left to an elevator, I push floor number 11 that was the last floor. We get on, and once we reach it, I floor her directions out to one big black door that had a staircase and a ramp on the other side of it.

I push her up the ramp and see how the sun light began to fill us up.

"I'm here!" Royal screamed excited. "Isn't it beautiful!" She asked.

The hospital wasn't the tallest building in the city, but we could see the rooftop of some billings and still look up at others. Stores, restaurant, parks, rivers, plazas everything was right there, and Royal was right, I did look beautiful.

"Let's go the edge." She says.

I push her to the edge where there was a safety rail that had 3 columns going horizontal and about one doing straight down ever 2 feet, but I still tilted her chair sideways a little to be sure she couldn't fall of.

"This is the best place in the world for me." She smiles as I sit down on the floor right next to her chair.

"Why?" I ask, I knew it was probably because it was beautiful and it made her feel good, but I found out that I just love hearing her talk about things, something was relaxing about it.

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