chapter 15

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I look up at her, opening my mouth to say I wasn't gonna do it until she shushed me.

"You have to do it! And you can't talk! You have to act it all!" She smiled from ear to ear as she looked at me.

I look around, careful for no one to see me as I get up. I can't believe I'm doing this, this is so lame, why am i actually doing this!

I look at her, as she was waiting for me to act.I think of what to do. I could get on one knee and act like I was giving her a flower or something. Or I could fake ball dance like in Cinderella. Maybe I could even bow in a gentleman way.

I decide to get on one knee, partially getting down and extending my hand to her as she giggles. And I feel my face get even more red.

"Prince charming" she laughed putting her hand over her chest dramatically. Making me chuckle as I sit back down.

"Your turn" I say as she gets a paper and looks at it.

She puts one fist in the air and another on her hip, putting her chest out. I had to look at her for a while until I see what's she doing.

"Superman" I say, and she nods, handing me the cup.

"Your turn" she said. I get a paper and smile when I see my handwriting. I put my hands together and open them. And I keep on doing that letting Royal guess.

"Eating flower! Butterfly! Magazine! Book! It's book!" She screams as I nod and laugh a little, waiting for her to pick.

She got one and pretends to lick something. All I could imagine was an ice cream, so I said it getting another paper for me. And I rubby eyes when I see it. It was a model. Just as I was about to protests I see royal telling me to shut up before I could talk.

I get up again and look around again and I shut my eyes before I open then and put one hand on head and one on my hip making royal scream out laughing.

"Shh! People are gonna come!" I tell her as she tries to catch her breath, tears coming from her eyes as she held her stomach.

I couldn't help it but I started to laughing too, feeling my face actually hurt.

"Again! I didn't guess!" She said once she was done. I still felt a gut pain that came out in a laugh.

"No! You already know what it is!" I tell her as I lean on her bed.

"No I don't! Again! Again!" She put her arms together putting her head up, starting to give that contagious little giggle again. "I have to guess so do it again!"

I lean back from the bed and do my pose again, only being able to hold it for a couple seconds before I lean over again, mixing my laughs with Royal.

"Do the runway walk!" She said between her laugh.

"No!" I shake my head. "You already know what it is"

"No I don't come on, strut your style!" She said putting her hand on mine lifting it up and giving it a small push to put me in the middle of the couch and her hospital bed.

"No it's embarrassing" I look at her then at the door.

"It's only me here! Come on! Do it!" She claps her hands together as he waits for me to do it.

I can't believe it, I actually did it. I take a few steps to the door putting my feet side to side with my arms down at my side. I turn around to see Royal with color in her face, that pale tan skin she always had was now red as she tried to breathe out and in seeing me.

Her laugh was so adorable and contagious that I walked back to her sitting down on the couch, laughing as hard as her. I never felt so happy before, it hurt me to be this happy, it fiscal hurt me, but I loved it.

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