chapter 10

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I walk out of my house as quickly and quite as possible the next day, Peyton was sleeping on the couch as I walked out and shut the door.

I get to the buss stop and wait with a small girl that was sitting down on a bench, she looked like a 5th grader.

As the buss got there I get on and run to the first empty sits I saw, but before I even got to enjoy it the little girl sits next to me, well that's just starting of the day wrong.

The hole ride I was looking outside the window, I remember we had a test today of history, as I try to remember the things the teacher told us that would be on the test by just using my mind, I realize I was going to fail.

The bus stopped and I got off and walked into school, my head was down and my hands shoved in my pockets as I walk to history, I was glad it was my first class, that way I wouldn't have to worry about this throughout the whole day. I get there and sit down in the back of the class, as I always do and start to read from my text book, I read and read and read but understand nothing, why I'm I like this? Can't I be smart. Just as I was about to flip pages I hear her voice.

"Studding?" I look up to Rebecca, she hair was falling over she shoulders and her lips were hot red.

I nod and look back at my textbook without saying anything, what could I say? It's hard talking to people OK.

"I didn't study either, I forget about it until I parked my car" I hear her rumble as she takes out the same textbook as me. "From what page did we have to read?"

I look over to her, what was she talking to me? I move my eyes around the place to see if she was talking to someone else, but no one was there. "57 to 77" I say looking at my feet once I was done.

"OK" I hear her say, we stop talking for a long time as I see everyone take there sits, I look up at the clock and see that one minute was left before class started. I lean back to just wait for class to start before I feel a tap on my arm.

"Hey it's James right?" She asks, and just then the teacher comes in, and she looks away from me.

James? Did she really think my name was James, the only James I know in school is a guy that's short and big glass. I mean I get the glasses thing, but I was one of the tallest kids in this school, and James was one of the shortest, did she really mistake us for one another? Or was this just a joke or something?

Before I could think more I see a paper in front of me, it was the history test, and by the looks of the first question, I was gonna fail.

Before I knew it time was up, I look down at my test and see every question with an answer. That was a step up at least, I walk out of the class to my next one, geography, and Rebecca sits right next to me again but this time she doesn't talk me to, I almost wanted to tell her that my name wasn't James but I felt like too much time passed and it would just look weird now.

When the day was over I walk out of school and got on the bus, next to a lady with boobs that were obviously fake. I spend the whole time just seeing how other guys would stare at her, making me feel uncomfortable for sitting next to her.

As I get off I walk to the park again, in no way I wanted to get home early today, or any day that Peyton was here, it just hurt me, it hurt me too much and I didn't want to be hurt. I sit down on the swings.and look around, this time about 5 people were at the park, 3 kids and 2 woman that looked in their 30. I rock back and forth getting out my homework so the ladies wouldn't think that I was some kind of sicko that came to a kids park at night. I get out my math homework and look at it for a long time before I start doing it, I copied the answer of one problem and just filled in the process with the new numbers they gave me.

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