chapter 14

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It was the weekend, I was gonna sleep in. I felt when Peyton got up, and I wasted no time into extending myself into a starfish over my bed, it felt like heaven. I feel back asleep in seconds, finally feeling my back get comfortable.

But I felt like seconds passed before I feel something get thrown on me, I yawn and pull off whatever was on me and get struck with the sunlight coming through the window when I open my eyes. I go back a little and look at my clock on my nightstand, it was 11:45.

"Get up" I hear Peyton voice but I just put a pillow over my head.

"No!" I yell under the pillow. "I'm tired" I close my eyes and almost fall asleep until I feel my legs being pulled. I knew it was Peyton, I could even hear a chuckle from him.

"Dad wants to take us to eat, and then we're gonna go the zoo."

Of course, Peyton comes and all of a sudden dad and mom want to go out, if he wasn't here then I would just stay at home as usual, I would eat, sleep, and read.

"I'm not going" I say kicking him away as I cover myself with a blanket. I wasn't going to give them the privilege of feeling like we were actually a family and going out, if they wanted to spend time with Peyton they could do it on their own. Either way, even if I was with them today, nothing would be different. I would get ignore, compared to, and insulted, nothing would change with my presents.

"Come on baby brother" he wines and I ignore him, I always hated him calling me baby brother he was only 5 years older than me, he wasn't that older.

I feel him keep on pulling me but I get my bed frame and hold on to it until I finally feel him stop. "Why don't you wanna come?"

Isn't it obvious? "If you wanna spend time with dad and mom go head, you don't need me there." I answer completely honest. They didn't, they could have their "family" moment without me.

"It's never the same without you" he said but I roll my eyes. "Come on you're not doing anything anyway."

I wanted to answer that I wasn't true, that I had plans, but I didn't, I didn't have any planes at all. My only plan was to sleep. But then Royal came in my head.

I sit up. "I'm going out" I tell him, I see him blurry, so I get my glasses and put them on, he was shirtless but had one of my shirts in his hand, I look down on to what was on my face early and see his white shirt he slept in yesterday, so I got it and throw it back at him. "That's my shirt" I add but see him smirk and put it on.

"All my clothes are dirty, I have to wash them today." He said, I wanted to start a fit for it, but I knew I would lose. "Where are you going?"

"With Royal" I said getting up and walking out, but he stopped me.

"Wait!" He said with a huge smile. "On a date!" He squeaks out. But I roll my eyes.

"No, not a date, just hang out."

I start to leave again but he jumps at me. "Where too? She can come with us! Why didn't you tell me about her? How long have you been seeing her?" He asked so fast I could barely understand him.

But I feel anger coming in me. "I didn't tell you cause you doing care!" I push him out of my way. "Not like she can ever compete with your precious Joanna." I snap as I walk out to the bathroom, leaving him in my room.

Joanna was his 5 year girlfriend, just as perfect as him, long silky gold hair, perfect nose and Crystal blue eyes with big lips and a Victoria secret body. Typical.

I take a really long time in the shower, hoping they would leave, but when I get out I still see them, I had usual black clothes, as always. But everyone stopped and looked at me, I look down at myself and see nothing out of normal, so I look back at them. "What?"

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