chapter 41

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The funeral was beautiful. So beautiful it hurt. It was a week after she left. On a Sunday, it was a sunny day.

Purple flowers were on top of her box and almost all the hospital staff was there. And my friends from school and family.

No one gave words for her. Everyone wanted to, but no one did, I wanted to but I couldn't. I found it impossible to talk, all I could do was stand, and listen, and think of her. I hope she forgives me.

I sat next to Beatrice.

When it ended I give the good-bye note to Anna. I ripped out the pages for the notebook she gave me. But I didn't see what less was in it. I wasn't ready.

She took them and hug me, and left without a word, and I understood that.

School was okay, I guess. Ethan was right next to me the hole way, and so where the others. Rebecca still looks around for me, and I see her waiting for me at the park everytime I go, but I never talk to her, or even get close to her. It still hurts too much. I went back to how I was before, not talking and blending into the crowd. The only difference was that I had people to have lunch with.

On the day of the report I gave Mr Steve my work and left. I didn't hear from him until 3 weeks later when I was heading to the bus stop.


I look at him, and walk up to him in front of the school door.

"Come with me, I have to tell you something."

I follow him to a bench and wait until he started to talk.

"How you doing?" He asks.

I shrug.

"Anything new happening right now?"

I shake my head.

A couple seconds goes by until he awkwardly shifts his position and speaks. "Well, I read your report, and I don't know if you even want this, but you won the prize. It was the best one in are class."

He hands my report, and I get it.

"I took a copy if you don't mind." I shrug. "I'm sorry this had to happen Nickolas, this wasn't what I wanted for anyone. If I knew, I would have never put you two together."

"No." I say blankly. "I'm glad I meet her."

"She was an amazing girl." He sighs. "Well the prize was entertaining a writing contest with all the school periods in English, and then the one who wins would representative us with school from other districts. If you don't want to it's perfectly fine, I know that it's still a complicated time for you."

"No." I say again. "I'll do it." Royal would have told me to, she would have screamed out that it was so cool.

"Great, meet me tomorrow to discuss it."

I nod and carry on, getting on the bus, but this time, instead of walking around with no destiny, like I normally do nowadays. I go to the one place I've been avoiding for the past mouth.

I walk on the grass and stuff my hands in my pocket until I read her name.

Royal Brooklyn
Loved by all.

Her gravestone was the same as everyone else, but different.

I take time just looking at it before I talk.

"Sorry for not coming. I couldn't, it's just been really hard." I suck in air and force myself to not cry.

"I don't really know what to do anymore, I just feel so empty, now that your not here. I have my report, I finish it. And I know you would've like to hear it, so." I unfold the pieces of paper and falten them out, and clear my voice.

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