chapter 34

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I step the house with a smile on my face. A goofy, dorky smile. My dad looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care.

I sit down in the kitchen when I see some Chinese food, and I eat it, still with a smile. Peyton was on the other end and his eyes wouldn't leave me.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" I grin.

"Why do you have that stupid look on?" He looked at me up and down.

I shrug. "Just because."

He keeps on eyeing me. "Is it Royal again?"

I frown with that. Royal. I was feeling better today because I saw a little more color in her face, but is she really getting better?

At that moment I stood up, I didn't want to talk, or even think about it. "I have to shower." I say getting up and leaving.

The next day I wake being shoved into the wall by Peyton. His head was right next to my nose, so I quickly move before he can shove his head in it. I get up and get ready, taking a long look at myself in the mirror.

I still look terrible, but no more redness, just bruises. I touch them, and they didn't hurt that much, so I was healing good. Then I look at my lips and see a little cup I had in it and remember Rebecca.

Was it going to be awkward? We didn't really get anywhere yesterday, we just stayed a while and left. What was going to happen now? I still didn't want her close to me in school cause it could ruin her image, and I didn't want to pull her away from her friends, or being popular and loved by everyone.

I just leave to the bus and prepare for what will come. I sit next to a 60 year old men that was looking at the paper. I look around as always and put in my glasses to see better.

I felt warm and happy inside. Did anyone else? Are they feeling warm inside because of something? I couldn't believe that just a few months ago I was wondering if these people suffer just as much as me, and now I'm wondering if they're happy like me.

But where did this start? I try to look back and remember Rebecca first talking to me, and meeting Royal for the first time. With who did I open up with?


I think she was the first person, when we did that charades game. I smile thinking about it.

When it was time, I get off the bus and walk in school, still nervous about seeing Rebecca, but I relax when I see Ethan and Lewis waiting for me.

I get to them and we all walk inside. And I notice that I don't hear insults anymore, I actually forgot the last time I hear an insult. I look around and see people with their friends as always, but this time I had friends next to me too. When did this happen?

"Hey Susan!" Lewis screams across the school yard to a girl that waves backs.

"Hey guys." A football player says passing us and Lewis and Ethan nod like nothing. I look at the guy and see he nods and me too, so I nod back.

When did they start to see me? I felt normal, so does that mean this was normal? Was I actually a normal school kid now?

We get to are English class and say by to Lewis, while me and Ethan start a conversation about what snacks we think the guy's will bring today. Then I feel a hand in mine. It was Rebecca.

I look down at her, and just when I was about to say something Mr Steve comes in. We all walk out as normal but Mr Steve calls me to wait.

Rebecca says she'll save a sit for me on the bus and walks away.

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