chapter 20

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I didn't really know what to do. I was waiting outside the residential area of my house. I wanted to go to the park and just zone out, but would that be okay? How serious was my dad about having me at home early?

I decide to go anyway, if he got mad then Peyton would step in and calm him down for me.

Once I get to the park I see Rebecca on the swing set, with her head barrier in hands. I walk up on her and touch her shoulder before sitting down. Expecting to get a little jump from her, but she just looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Rebecca?" I ask worried. I look at her up and down, I didn't see any physical harm in her, she looked okay to me.

"Hi." She sniffs and whips her cheeks, leave a red mark around them. "I thought you wouldn't come." She smiles at me, but I could tell it was just to hide her pain. I know those smiles.

"What going on?" I ask her, feeling like I should be hugging her, but that would be to awkward, so I stay right where I am.

She looks ahead, as if she didn't hear me, but later responded. "Too much to explain." She sighs. "Do you ever feel that?" She looks at me. "That so much is going on, that you have no idea where to start."

I give her a small nod after a while. "Something in school?" I ask after. But she just sighs. "Home?" I ask again.

When she didn't say anything I stop my questions until she speaks. "It's more of an uncompleted feeling. Like if you needed something, but can't find anyone to give you it, or feeling to lost to even try to being to find yourself."

I hear her sniff again. "Maybe I'm just crazy, I don't know."

"You're not crazy." I say after her. "And if you are, at least we can be crazy together." I give her a sad smile, and she returns it to me.

"Well that's a relief then." She says in a more normal voice. "I must look awful." She says rubbing her face.

I didn't exactly know what Rebecca and I are, I mean, it's pretty safe to say we're friends. At least I think it's safe to say that, but last time I had a friend was about 10 years ago. I didn't know how this worked anymore. "You don't look awful" I say. "You look, more like you actually. Not like the popular girl, in the popular group of school."

"Yeah, well everyone likes the popular girl you know, that's why we're popular." She says, this time starting to rock back and forth.

After that the conversation went quiet. I couldn't say it wasn't true, I mean she had a point, that's why they're popular, because everyone likes them or wants to be like them. I wasn't gonna lie to her, I mean, I did like how she looked, in her own natural way, but that's my opinion, and that doesn't count at all.

I looked at the sky and it was just starting to get night, so I stand up. "We should go."

She looked at me confused. "But it's not even night."

"I just don't like the idea of you walking alone at night." I say.

"I can take care of myself." She adds, but I wanted none of that.

"No." I say. "It doesn't matter if you can or can't, I just don't want you too. Something can happen to you."

She looks up at me, surprised and kind of angry. "Fine." She said giving me a sigh of relief. "But you owe me a chocolate bar." She gets up getting the straps of her backpack and putting it over your shoulders. "And you better not be late tomorrow." She says in the sassy tone before walking away, giving me a little wink as she did.

That was weird, but I walk in my own direction too.

Just as the sun went down I got to the house, Peyton was in my room and my dad saw me pass like nothing, I knew he wasn't serious about this.

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