chapter 31

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It felt almost impossible to sleep that night. So many questions and not one answer, I could feel my hands tremble now and then. I felt tired, exhausted actually, my eyes burned and my body felt weak but I just couldn't sleep.

I stare at my wall all night. I hear Peytons breathing and a couple cars outside the house. Just as I was starting to fall asleep my alarm rings, it was 5am, and I was going to school.

I was starting to consider faking a cold, but today is Friday, and I wasn't going to miss my chance in seeing Royal. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Get new clothes on and untangling the bracelet again. I need to take this thing of and hide it somewhere.

I look in a mirror and put in my glasses on, my face didn't look any different from the days before, still had green and purple bruises, but now I had bags under my eyes to complete my beast look. I decided that I didn't care how I looked and just walked out.

I almost fell asleep in the bus stop, and almost fell asleep on the shoulder of the guy sitting next to me. I needed to wake myself up. As I got to school I head to the bathroom to splash water on my face but Rebecca stops me with Tipi next to her.

"My god what happened?" Rebecca looks at me. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

The word sleep just made me get sleepier. "No." I say.

"Why not?" She asks.

"Just one of those nights." I yawn. I was about to tell her that I was going to the bathroom when Mr Steve comes out and hurries us to the bus. I sit down and notice I was next to someone I didn't know. A boy that was about Rebecca's size, his hair black and around his shoulders, pushed behind his ears, with a Superman chin. I knew that I couldn't sleep a couple minutes with a stranger next to me, so to keep myself up, I decided to take to him. What was getting into me?

"What patient did you get?" I ask.

He looked at me confused for a second, I think made my mark as the kid that never talks, but as soon as the shock was over he smiled and started to talk too.

His name's Fernando, and he got an old guy that was married 6 times and now has a girlfriend that 27, its safe to say he's rich.

When we get to the hospital I walk in and looked at Beatrice and Kang to wave at them, but they didn't look up from their desk, probably busy.

Everyone disappears into their room while I walk to room 072, the door was closed and I thought it was kind of weird, the doors never closed, something it's 1 inch from being close, but never closed.

I wonder if they were changing her or something like that, so I knock. No answer. I knock again, still no answer. By that time I turn the nob and go inside to find it empty, nothing was in there. It looked like Royal's never even been here. I had to double check the number only to speed walk to the desk.

"Where is she!" I say much louder than I thought I would, making Beatrice look up at me and sigh. "Where is she?" I ask again, feeling anxious.

"Honey I-" she starts.

"Where is she?" I ask more demanding this time.

Mr Steve comes this time. "Problem?"

"Yeah there is! Royals not in there, where did she go? Where did you put her!" I yell.

"Calm down Honey she alright, she was transferred to another hospital for today." She says, making Kang look are way for the first time.

"Transferred?" I ask confused, and a  little relieved.

"Is there a problem with her? Why was she moved?" Mr Steve asks.

Beatrice sighs. "The new medication she was given started to give her allergic reaction, but not as we expected."

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