chapter 13

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I was kind of happy with myself today. I was able to talk to people that I never talk to before, and I actually felt happy. Today with Royal, she was funny I guess, she always had a smile on her face. Maybe it has to do with all that happy vibe that she has, I still wanna know why, but I try to forget. It's not like I'm gonna find out or anything.

After school, I get off the bus and walk of to the park as always, I do some math problems that they gave us today using Peyton method, as much as I don't like to admit, his method is easier and better than in school. Why does have to be so smart? I grumble under my breath.

When I was done I head back, it was dark as usual, cars coming and going making me a flashlight with their car lights.

As I step in the house I smell spaghetti. Spaghetti was actually my favorite food, but I didn't bother to tell anyone it was.

I get to the kitchen and see everyone on the table eating away. Just by standing there I felt kind of left out, I wanted to sit down with them and have a good family time, but we're not a family. We just live together and don't care about anyone else.

My mom looks up at me. "Hey your home" she said. "There some spaghetti left for you." She points to the stove and I walk over there and put the leftover on my plat, I fill it up with salsa and look at everyone else on the table, my dad was already done and Peyton and my mom where nearly finished. I figured that if I sat down at the table they would leave in no time, so I sat down.

At first, it was great, no one talked or even looked at each other, but then dad came in.

"Where have you been?" He asks. "I thought it was just a faze, but you just keep on doing it."

I shift from my spot, trying to think of something cool to say, but not that cool, because then they would freak out over nothing. As I open my mouth Peyton interrupts.

"So you always do this?" He asked, I knew he was looking at me, even if I had my head down.

"Yes" my mom said right after. "He's being stubborn as usual." I look up at her and see her eyes. I tried to snap out of my thoughts and pretend that I wasn't seeing what I was seeing, but I could bet my life that in her eyes, I saw disappointed.

"So where do you go?" My dad ask impatiently breaking me out of my thoughts, I look back at him, I wasn't gonna say that I go to the park to sit on a swing set just to prove a point. I needed something that could help me look good and not be that a big of a disappointment.

So I sit up straight, my head was at the leave of everyone, I remembered how good it felt to do that with Royal, how I felt more open and more happy and more important. And then that's when I get an idea. Royal.

I smile and say. "I'm not stubborn, I spend time with a friend, her name's Royal."

I see everyone eyes wide, this was perfect, for once in this family I didn't feel like a loser.

"Royal?" My dad asks. "That's where you been? With a friend?" I wasn't sure what to make of this voice.

I slowly nod until I see a creepy smile on Peyton face. "A girlfriend" he said bringing out the word girl as I roll my eyes, feeling like I was the older sibling.

"Grow up" I hiss at him, filling my fork with spaghetti. "She's a friend, that's it" I say with confidence as I chew my food.

"Well why don't you just ask her to come over here?" My mom said, I looked in her eyes again and I saw a little spark of hope, but I wonder, hope for what? In me having friends? Did they really think that little of me? But before I can put more thought in I answered.

"No she cant" I say, and that's not a lie, she really can't.

"Are you sure? Have you asked?" My mom keeps pushing.

"She just can't mom." I snap again. "Plus I just hang out with her for a school project." I add, because I knew she would keep pushing.

"Do the project here then." She offers with a smile.

"Lucy" my dad said across the table. "Let him do this own things, don't worry son, I just wanted to know" he pats my back as I flinch, seeing him get up and put his play away, actually surprised he didn't get angry. I hear a sigh from my mom as she got up too and accepted it. I was glad that was over.

But as I look in front of me I see Peyton, still with that grin on his face. "How old is she?" He asked like a teenager that wanted gossip about crushes.

I look down from him at my food. "17" I say stuffing my mouth with food, so he could take a hint.

"What does she look like!" He asked more excited. "Let me guess, long hair"

I ignore this, because royal didn't even have hair.

"And tall right? But not taller than you" he said in a laughing tone as he pushes my head a little.

"Looks who talking" I look back at him, pushing his hand away. "You're just as tall as me."

"Yeah I know, two giants" he chuckles. But continues "is she pretty? Do you have a picture of her?"

I roll my eyes, I didn't need this right now. "No" I snap, trying to sound more angry than I was, so he would just leave me alone.

After that I heard a long silence, it was so long that I thought he left until I hear his voice again.

"I bet she's really pretty." I don't look up at him, I look down and hear him move, and then later I hear a door open, I knew he was gone by that time.

I keep on twirling the spaghetti in my fork, I was alone at the table, I looked around and didn't see anyone. And At this moment, I let a smile fall on my lips, thinking one thing.

Royal is kind of pretty, even without hair or eyebrows.

When I was done I take a shower and get ready for bed, I was thinking about sending Peyton out his night, so I could finally sleep alone again, but I knew my mom would never let me but I need to try. When I got in my room he was already asleep, with his face in a book.

I get next to him and slid the book from his face making him shift front his place asleep, I see the book. "Animals and humans. More alike than we think!" I roll my eyes with the title and put the book on top of his computer, and get in bed too, my face was against the wall as usual, wondering what was I gonna do tomorrow, it was the weekend so the most probably thing would be that mom and dad would want to take Peyton out to celebrate his perfection. I roll my eyes with that.

I could just go to the park, but staying there all day would probably get some mom thinking I was a pedophile and call the police. I could go to the mall, but then I would run into the jerks in my school. The last option I had was saying I was sick or just walking around the streets all day, and those didn't sound to tempting. But before I realized it my eyes were closing until I feel asleep.

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