chapter 22

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I don't know why, but I was exhausted, and didn't feel like going to the park today. Peyton was gone and mom and dad would be home late as always, so why not just head home.

I really wanted to but I felt that Rebecca would be there waiting for me. And I felt like a jerk to just leaving her there waiting, even though I never said I would see her there. I stand outside my house complexion again, just thinking of what to do, and I finally decided to go.

I drag my feet as I walk cause I felt exhausted, the only reason I was going was because of Rebecca, I liked her company too. She was ok I guess, but then again I don't really know what it's like to have a friend, so I just suppose it's something like this right?

I see her as I walk to the park, but she wasn't sitting on are famous swing sets, she was sitting on the grass right in front of them.

I walk to her and sit down on the floor next to her, seeing her smile as she saw me.

"Hi Nickolas" she said.

"Why are we sitting here instead of are famous swing sets?" I ask looking at her.

"Thought I change things up a little, don't you like it?" As she says that I look around, it was the same view but from a different angle, and it looked weird.

"It's different" I say.

"A good different?" She asked and I just nod looking at the sun about to go down.

"Anyway, since we have plenty of time to kill let's pick up what we left of yesterday" she said, moving all her body to face me directly, while I just moved my head to face her.

"What did we leave?" I ask.

"The questions." She said. "Well the things you were gonna tell me about yourself. I wanna know."

It actually surprised me why she wanted to do this, I knew for a fact that she didn't think I was out there in parties or with big groups of friends to have big memories or epic stories. Why did she want me to tell her boring stuff.

"I'm really boring." I say.

"I bet your not, come on tell me anything." She said.

This time I turn myself to face her as well, crossing my legs together because I was too long to have them half bent life before.

"I go to school and then come here and go home. That's all my life." I say.

"Well what about the weekends?" She asks.

"I sleep." I answer. "That's all I do." I didn't want to talk about me, mostly because I never do, there's never anyone around that would listen if I did, so this just felt to weird for me. "Why don't you tell me something, I'm sure you have interesting stories."

I see a little grin on her face as she looks away. "Many stories yes, but noun that are interesting."

I give her a little smile. "The tell me your most boring story."

She laughs right after and support her weight on her hands leaning back. "Well let's being with a math lesson."

"Oh god no!" I cut her off. "I hate math."

"Me too!" She said popping her eyes out. "I really don't know why they say we're gonna need algebra in are day to day life. What if I wanna be an Uber driver." She said with a chuckle.

I laugh with her. "Well if become an Uber driver, then I'd call you every time I'd need to go somewhere."

"You better! I can already picture it, countless trips to McDonald's."

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