sunset boy - johnny cade!

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My heartbeat quickens as I hear steps from behind me, and screaming. I start running faster. I don't know where too, just somewhere, anywheres better than this place.

I pump my legs till I nearly collapse of exhaustion.

Once I know I'm nowhere near home I plop down in the grassy filled land, looking out into the nothing. I lay down looking at the sky that is slowly turning orange. After who knows how long I hear a rustling next to me. 

I jump up, hoping I don't have to do anything bad to stay alive tonight. I see a boy about my age sitting next to me, he hasn't noticed me yet. I don't think he is going to do anything, I mean he is just looking at the sky and clouds like I had before. Well at least hope he doesn't.

I lay back down, he doesn't look like he is gonna do anything. I wonder why he is here, is he escaping from something as well?

Or does he just like sunsets like a boy I met once on the bus, he had an intriguing name, ponyboy I think it was. He digged em' really digged em'. He said he didn't know why but I was easy to talk to. Apparently he hadn't told many people that, but when he saw my smiling face and friendly eyes he couldn't help it. His words not mine.

Isn't it funny how we can remember a chat on a bus with someone, but can't remember real important stuff?

I hear a rustle again and look over to see him lying down, doing the same thing I am. "Isn't pretty." I say looking at the sky, the words stumbling before my dry lips could seal.

He looks over at me scared. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." he nods, and begins talking 

"It's fine, I'm just a little jumpy thats all." I nod, understanding.

I stare at his features, his perfectly tanned skin, his beautiful brown orbs with a little gold shining through, and his oh so amazingly perfect hair. Its all greased out but bangs cover his eyebrows. I haven't ever met someone as beautiful as him. He stares back, studying me. I can't tell what he is thinking, I wish I knew. Probably nothing good, people think I'm weird most of the time.

He seems like an interesting person. I'd love to hear what he has to say. That is if he ever likes to speak. 

"Why are you out here anyway? Shouldn't you be at home?" He says finally speaking, his voice is like a lullaby.

I don't mean he could put you too sleep I just mean its relaxing. just like watching the sunset. I would describe this boy who's name I don't know as a sunset, beautifully stunning and relaxing. 

"I could ask you the same thing."

He chuckles, "Touché."  He looks over. "What's your name?"

I grin lightly. "Y/N."

He smiles showing his teeth. "Beautiful name for beautiful girl." He says, making my heart melt. No one has ever been that nice to me. Something so simple is so mesmerising at the same time.

"Thanks, what's your name then?" I look over at him, he is looking up at the sky still.


I smile, fits him perfectly. "Is your full name Jonathan?" 

He nods."Nobody calls me that though."

I nod simply, understanding most boys had nicknames from friends. No one really called you your full name unless you were a angry mother and your child had just dirtied their new shoes, it didn't occur much.

"My best friend likes sunsets. He loves 'em in fact."

I smile. "I do too."

He looks over at me, I can tell he is in deep thought. "I think you'd like him."

I smile. "Oh yeah? whats he like then?" 

He chuckles. "He's real smart. loves readin.' He is different, in a good way. He wont pick a fight for no reason. He just reminds me of you. We haven't talked much but the way your eyes gleam when you look at the sky and the way you show that your listening to a person, just... just reminds me of him."

I smile. "I like the guy and I haven't even met him."

He smirks, puts his hands behind his head. Laying out enjoying the last of the sunset. I copy his actions and enjoy the last of the sun which is now going to bed, and the moon arises from its slumber. Johnny and I talked for hours whether it was parents or sunsets, it just clicked I have never felt that for someone before.

As it got colder he moved closer to me, as I did to him.  I slowly drifted off in the arms of sunset boy. I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time. His warmth radiated off him onto me and I was warm all night. I instinctively wrapped my arms around him in the night. Maybe it was because we were lonely broken kids but he made me feel safe and needed.

I woke up in the arms of Johnny, the sunset boy. So it wasn't a dream. It sure did feel like one. I just lay back down in his arms and enjoy it for a little longer. I probably won't see this boy ever again. But one night was amazing I can't help but think what it would be like to have more than just one night.


I wake up with Y/N snuggled by me, her hair fanned out in the grass, my denim jacket wrapped around her, her face at rest peacefully into my shoulder, and a hand on my chest and thigh.

I gulp at her hands, I feel heat rise to my face. She moves around, and mumbles something or other sleepily. She slowly opens her eyes and pulls hers hands away not even realising where they had just been.

"Mornin'." I say smiling down at her.

"Morning." She replied. I smile sitting up.

"Wanna walk back home I'll drop you off."

"Sure Jonathan." Maybe my name wasn't so bad coming from her. 


hey y'all hope you enjoyed! pls lemme know.

- lily <3

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