hockey fights. - wil wheaton. [edited]

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dayum i love me a piece of wil wheaton, also listen to maniac on repeat while you read this.

y/n l/n was crazy, why you may ask? well she was wearing shorts as she was about skate some laps as a warm up before try outs for the schools hockey team. tank top, shorts and helmet was all she wore. doesn't it sound freezing? she held her stick which was signed by the new york rangers and hummed a tune as she walked into guys locker room which her coach said was the only room unlocked after school that day.

she saw a couple of her friends and some of her enemies. she walked over to her friend corey feldman. "hey guys" she sat on the bench next to both the coreys' who she was friends with.

"hey y/n, so i guess you really are trying out for hockey?" corey h. replied.

"yeah but you know when i say something most of the time i do it." she chuckled.

but soon the group were interrupted by wil wheaton, and if you must know y/n and wil didn't exactly get along. i don't know whether it started when wil pulled y/n's pig tail in first grade but thats as far back as i can remember the feud starting.

"so you're trying out for the team huh l/n." he said leaning on his stick, river standing behind him smiling at y/n. river and y/n got along but whenever they had a conversation wil needed to be a asshole and say something like don't talk to her you might catch something.

she smiled at him, "indeed i am princess, why? you scared a girl in her short shorts is gonna beat ya?" she stood up balancing on her black and blue skates.

he soon saw her outfit, a blue football tank, and some red short shorts, her socks covered her calfs and her helmet in her hands.

she rolled her eyes, "my eyes are up here, and now listen and listen good i don't want to have to knock you on your flat ass but if i have to i will. and i will hard, and thats a promise wheaton." she nudged him walking over to river.

"hey rio, my best buddy how you doin'?" she patted his shoulder, laughing as wil glared at her.

"i'm pretty good y/n, i am excited to kick your ass in some hockey." he smirked.

she smiled, "you're on pal."

the couch soon shouted for the boys and y/n to get up there. y/n sung manic as she hopped up the steps, most of the boys on the hockey team liked y/n. i mean, she could handle her drinks, loved to party, and sport was one of her top priorities, and well she wasn't exactly bad looking either. she chucked her hair up and put her black mouth guard in, and chucked her blue helmet with her name on over her head. she skated over dancing on the smooth ice, she saw all the guys girlfriends sitting on the bench.

she waved, "hi girls!" she shouted, they waved backed. some didn't like her and got jealous other girls loved her.

she saw some of her other friends and skated over, "hey rob, patrick and tommy." she winked.

"hey y/n ready to beat wil?" rob, amped y/n up.

rob lowe and y/n l/n had met each other when wil and rob where fighting and y/n walked over and punched wil in the nose and they soon became friends.

"you bet your ass i am."

wil and y/n where both waiting for the puck to drop, y/n chuckled as the puck dropped and skated past him she soon skated past the rest of his team and shot a goal.

wil grunted as y/n chased him down the field, she barged him into the plexiglas, and shot the puck up to tommy. wil was on the floor, y/n put her hand out to lift him up.

surprisingly he took it, and she soon skated away with out another word. her attention drawn back to hockey, not a boy who played.

"l/n!" shouted patrick from defence, y/n grabbed the puck easily and the radios music played through the rink.

just a steel town girl on a saturday night,
looking for the fight of her life in the real time world. no one sees her at all they all say she's crazy.

she danced around with puck, the boys on her team laughed at her goofy attitude. wil skated over trying to get the puck instead all he seemed to get was a earful of y/n singing.

wil let his anger out and pushed her to the floor, she got back up and hit him with her stick roughly. the game was soon forgotten, but wil's hit wasn't. its not that it wasn't legal its just that he had it out for her since the third grade. he always needed to go for her in anything especially in hockey.

"whats your fucking problem!? huh?! do you want me rip your dick off or something?!" y/n boomed.

"oh that's right you don't fucking have one, because if you had the balls you'd just admit that me, a girl is fucking better at hockey than you!!" she waved her hands around.

"why do you always have to be such a bitch?!" he shouted, y/n didn't like that word.

she lunged at him and straddled his torso, she punched at him. he punched back lightly, y/n wouldn't stop until she saw blood. she soon got pulled off by both the coreys', and river.

"are you gonna calm down y/n?" asked haim.

"yeah," she breathed.

they let go of her, and she sighed. he got up, busted up.

"why do you hate me so much wheaton, if we are gonna be on a team then i need you to get over what ever it is." y/n crossed her arms.

"i don't hate you." he said looking down.

river looked in fear, wil definitely didn't hate y/n. in fact wil was falling for the hockey crazy girl.

"then what is your problem wil." she said, she hadn't called him is actual name in years.

river nudged him, "just tell her man." he sighed.

the boys still crowded the area waiting and hoping for another fight to break out. "fine, y/n l/n i like you." he said, y/n laughed.

"your funny, now what is it?" she, then looked at wil who was serious.

"okay, i'm sorry i laughed. but you have been kinda mean to me for like seven years." she skated over to him.

she turned to the boys, and they skated away. knowing they needed some time alone. most of the boys liked wil, and y/n. its actually funny because a big amount of them wanted the pair get together. they were perfect for each other. even rob liked them together.

"what do you mean?" y/n grabbed his broad shoulders, and smiled kindly.

"i like you y/n, i pulled your hair when we were in first grade was because i liked you. i guess all the mean stuff was because i knew you were never going to like me back and that made angry. i knew you'd go for a guy like corey or something." y/n looked at the boy through her eye lashes, there helmets were on the floor.

she thought about it, i mean she had sorta liked him but in a different way then most. she looked at the boys still watching from a far and thought, 'fuck it.'

she planted her lips on his, they moulded together. arms wrapped around each other and soon they pulled back cheering heard through the rink. she picked up her stick and his, and threw his over.

"your really stupid, i've liked you forever." she grinned, and he caught it awestruck.

y/n put her helmet on and wink before turning away and saying. "you ready to get your ass kicked lover boy."

okay hi ! sorry i haven't updated in a bit, but again school has been a pain in my ass.

love you all a billion!

- lily

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