first car - kenickie murdoch.

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y/n is sandy's cousin in this. which means she is aussie, so she will probably say mate in this. why? because i'm aussie and i say mate a lot. alsoooo sandy came a year before they were seniors and then in senior year y/n came. and kenickie and rizz don't like each other. just go with it for the plot please.


y/n had just turned seventeen and she had finally gotten a car, she had saved up for a whole year to pay for it and a new paint job along with new rims and purring engine. it was the most beautiful car she had ever seen and it was all hers. a fire streak along the side of it and a bright cherry red it had been painted. she was now living with her cousin sandy, she had also grown up in australia. her accent very strong in the american town, she had her car shipped over to the airport and had driven down in her car with all of her bags and boxes ready to live there with her aunt and cousin.

after a day or so sandy insisted that y/n meet her boyfriend and friends, sandy had talked to y/n about danny over the phone. she was very aware of her cousins infatuation. sandy hadn't gotten a car yet so y/n drove them into town where they would meet. they got into her car, the leather seats comfortable even in the heat. the car had no roof, the wind blew in y/n's hair as her car zoomed into town. she pulled up in front a diner, a group of boys in leather jackets and girls in pink ones stood out the front laughing.

her engine reaved loudly as she parked her vehicle, the boys mouths grew agape. y/n was to say it bluntly the exact opposite of her cousin. loved drag races, smoked, wore black clothes, and fought. she got sent to america to straighten her out, probably wasn't going to work but it was worth a shot. sandy waved and they waved back. y/n stopped the car grabbed her keys and hopped out. she wore a black singlet and shorts and a pair of old converse to finish her look.

kenickie was swooned by not only y/n but her car. if it was hers at least he thought. she held a cigarette in her lips and patted her pockets hoping for a lighter but she had left them all at home. she was about to huff and ask sandy if she had one, but she didn't need to a boy in front of her held a light out. she leaned in letting it catch a light, she puffed the smoke out into the air.

"thanks." he nodded in response, danny and sandy rolled their eyes knowing exactly what was going to happen. kenickie was predictable around pretty girls. danny rolled his because he had grown up with kenickie, he knew all his tricks and plays. sandy rolled her eyes because her cousin was one hard girl to get.

"who's car?" he asked putting his sunnies down on his eyes.

she smirked, "mine."

"yours?" he asked eyes wide with shock.

"uh huh. payed for it my self. did the paint job and fixed the engine."

marry me. kenickie thought when she said those words. "really?" he said not believing her.

she nodded spoke calmly, "even ask sandy she left when it was a piece of junk. look at my baby go now."

sandy sighed, "yeah, all she could seem to talk about was her damn car when she got it. absolute pile of shit. now she's a beauty. so to answer your question kenickie, yes. yes it is hers and she did fix up. stop drooling. i can't tell if like her or just her car."

y/n laughed and they entered the diner getting food and shakes. y/n put on some beatles and grinned sitting down sipping her milkshake.

after the group went down to the drive in kenickie had asked y/n out five times in the span of half an hour. she huffed regretting letting him ride in her car. she had sandy, danny, kenickie, and putzie in her car. she rolled her eyes.

"what part of no don't you understand?"

"c'mon how about this, if i beat you in a drag race you go on a date with me and if you win i'll...." he trailed off thinking. y/n smirked rising her brows, sandy had said something about a school dance coming up at ridale high.

"you have to wear a pink dress to the dance." he scoffed and she shrugged.

"no dress, no deal."

"fine. fine."

kenickie turned to sandy, "man you and your cousin are different."

"yeah. we have one thing in common kenickie. i didn't like you when i first met you. and neither does she."

y/n high fives sandy. "i taught her that." she said referring to her sass.


want a part two? comment if you do.


so thats why i did a grease imagine also cos i realised i haven't posted a grease one in this book yet. like no way i haven't. i'm surprised i haven't thats one of my fav old movies.

also i'm am editing this book just to conform. but i am doing it very sl0wly lol cos i'm lazy.

alsooo i am doing dedications now! so comment if you want a dt in the next chapter i update. if you don't know what a detication is it basically means that i made the chapter for you. does that make sense also it just means i can interact with y'all more.

also i do questions of the day now shitttt.

question of the day; where are you from? i'm from australia incase you didn't already know aha. i live in the capital which is the shittest town in australia i might add. i don't have beaches just boring shit. but if you anyone who reads is from australia tell me where???

love you greasers.

see you later schnitzels.

- lils (;

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