lazy sunday. - sodapop curtis.

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y/n randle very different from her twin brother. he was loud and always looking for a fight, y/n was more quite and kept to herself. when she saw a fight she'd walk the other way, unless someone was hurting the gang then she'd go apeshit. she was trying really hard at school so she could get a scholarship, no boys, no parties, just lots and lots of homework. if she got a scholarship she might actually be able to do something with herself instead of working two jobs like she does now to pay for her and steves little shitty apartment. yes they share a apartment, when their mother ran away after their father had nearly strangled her to death when he was blind drunk they decided they really had no reason to stay in that house. if she wasn't doing school work, or working she was at the curtis house. not because her apartment was bad, just because it didn't feel like home to y/n.

731 n st louis ave, the wonderful curtis house now that was home.

her brother had left earlier that morning leaving a note and not waking her up.

it was now eleven going on twelve when she had walked out of the house, she wore a light blue floral dress with a large denim jacket over the top. her old school shoes thumping along the dirt path leading to the curtis house.

she had gotten those shoes in her sophomore year, - now just about to graduate waiting for any letters from collage. they had scuff marks and the soles nearly worn away. the gang had saved up to buy her a pair, the nicest you could get. she opened them on her birthday with a large grin and you guessed it, she cried. these weren't just shoes they were her every event shoes. they had walked every path, road and ally of tulsa they had been everywhere y/n had.

so when y/n walked into the curtis house while soda lay upside down on the couch and he saw her shoes with purple socks he knew she was there even though all her saw were her feet and lower legs.

she bent down so her face was over his and squished his cheeks and laughed, "heya there sodapop." he laughed back and sat up and she plopped next him on the couch.

he smirked at her, "heya sleeping beauty." he teased.

she rolled hers and his mocking words and simply replied with, "man child, its too early in the morning for this."

he laughed, "oh please you love this man child."

pony rolled his eyes at them both. "y/n its the afternoon." he said pointing to the clock that said 12:22pm.

"smart ass." she replied turning her glance to the tv.

a few hours of mindless dance shows showing you how to jive later, y/n was just nodding off in the afternoon sun.

her head fell to sodapop's lap as she slept. he played with her hair, it softly running through his long fingers. she had worked a big shift last night on her feet from three-thirty until ten-thirty. leaving her absolutely famished, sure she had slept in but her body still ached from her morose evening. working at a pub was not the dream job, getting hit on by old men was not enjoyable either but she needed the money. it was either that job or working in a brothel. so she take the pub any day out of those two options. she also worked dingos were socs treated her terribly. but whenever they wouldn't tip her, or spill milkshakes just so she could clean it up she think about her future. her future where they'd have to work for her, and licked up the fucking milkshake from the floor that she would spill. probably the main reason she wanted to make something of herself. those fucking socs.

sodapop watched her with a love-felt gaze.

"miss randle, you deserve the world." he whispered kissing her forehead.

if only she was awake, she'd say the same about him.

watching his reckless eyes dance with joy everyday was the only hobby she would ever partake in. she had been in love with soda since the early years of their lives.

steve knew that and so did just about everyone. but they also knew that soda liked her as well. which made every moment so hard to watch as a bystander. you just wanted them to go steady already, for christ's sake.

y/n rolled in her sleep, her cheek now pressing up against his upper jean clad thigh.

she loved days like this, a lazy sunday was always her favourite day with sodapop. though he could make any day bearable for her.

soda loved them too, but only with her. without her he found them boring. a lazy day was only something he wanted to bask in with y/n. lazy sundays were and always would be reserve for y/n randle. any other sunday without the h/c he would've gone out. a drag race or milkshake maybe, or even go visit some guys in the cooler he hadn't seen in a while, maybe even go down to bucks for a game of pool. but if he was with y/n his heart would speed up and slow. his gut would twist in anxiety. and he would feel like a fourteen year old all over again. when he first realised he liked her. only now he loved her, for she made any day a good one. her easy smile, gleaming eyes, and gorgeous personality. and that was the best feeling in the world, better than any drink or smoke. he got high off of her, thats why he never needed anything else.

she made him feel majorly happy, and was never not a good friend. even if it crushed her to imagine them only being friends. she was never just a friend to sodapop though.

no, she was the love of his whole entire life. he wished to hold her hand and go to the beach and watch the sun dance on her skin, he wished to swim in the stars with her hand in his, he wished to bask on a cloud softly whispering nothings in her ear.

he had been wishing for a long time, and everyone hoped he'd do something about it. and one day he did.

we back baby. enjoy this. let me know what u think in the comments.

as always ily please vote + comment + share with your pals

- lily

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