fate - sodapop curtis. [edited]

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y/n l/n stood in her short plaid skirt, creme jumper and old mary janes in the line for cokes and popcorn. it was one of her girlfriends birthdays so they went to the drive in to go see some romance film but y/n was planning to stay till later to watched the action movie that was going to be on soon. the movie had forty or so minutes left.

she was just reaching middle class, her home life wasn't good at all. she referred to herself as greaser as did most but she didn't get jumped by socs much they just left her alone most of the time. she held cherry cokes in her arms trying not to spill them as well as popcorns.

dammit, should've let jenny come help me. she said in her head. as she walked along a group of rowdy boys bumped into her making her stumble and fall into one boy who also was apart of their big posse.

the cokes spilled everywhere, popcorn flew, and y/n and the boy fell with a thud, she groaned as she was underneath the boy. her skirt disheveled and body small compared to the handsome boy.

he looked at her, "oops." he said getting up, her body being able to breathe without the pressure of a boys weight on her. she sat up and grumbled.

"fuck. now i have to go buy new ones." she mumbled getting up brushing the dirt off her and straightening her skirt. she looked over at the group of boys standing there.

the oldest boy there looked over. "i'm real sorry miss, we didn't see you there." he said politely.

she smiled at him, "don't worry, it just means i get to miss this sappy movie thats playing while i buy some more cokes." she said referring to the romance scene playing.

the boys chuckled, she looked over at the boy who fell onto her and smiled walking off. "see ya around trippy." she gestured to him.

he smirked, "bye."

y/n stood in line once again waiting for popcorn and cokes, at least i don't have to watch the end kissing scene. she sighed.

later on in the evening y/n sat in the middle of the rows of chairs on the edge not taking up much space. she munched on popcorn as she waited for the movie to play. she sipped on her coke as she scuffed her feet in the dirt making patterns on the floor she was soon kicked out of her trance when she felt a someone put there arm around her shoulder.

she looked over, "dallas, get your fucking arm off me." she said looking over at him with distaste.

he moved closer to his breathe fanning her face. "what you don't like me or something?" he said. she shoved his head away moving it away from her face.

"you need to brush your teeth." she said standing up, 'trippy' sat next to him.

she looked at him, "switch with winston." she said crossing her arms, dallas pulled a looked at his friend who stood up ready to swap.

he shrugged as if to say 'what can i do?'

they swapped and the movie started, soda and y/n having conversations here and there and sharing popcorn.

by the end of the night, soda and y/n stood at the exit.

she smiled at him, as they stood by the exit. she leaned in slowly and filled the little gap himself, she kissed him deeply.

he kissed back and all that could be felt was butterflies and sparks.

she pulled back, swiping her bottom lip grinning.

he smiled big at her, "wanna go out some time?" he asked.

she smiled, "why not trip. see you at school." she pecked his cheek walking off.

"my names soda!" he said laughing at her as she wondered off.

"oh soda i know, i've heard of ya!" she said blowing a kiss walking off down the street to go home.

soda smiled to himself. i found myself a real good one. he thought.

dallas came over, "ya beat me to it man." he said referring to their future date.

"well man it was fate, we were falling for each other as soon as we saw each other. can't change fate"

i'm in class rn, sorry i didn't update last night. i might update a cameron frye one later.

love you all.

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- lily

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