puppy love - vern tessio [edited]

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vern is under appreciated #appreciatedvernmore

the other duchamp was walking into the small town of castle rock, she hopped off her bus. and walked along the streets, to soon find the ace merrill tormenting gordie and chris.

she walked over, her veins boiling in rage. she stood behind ace, who was waving gordies yankee cap around like a idiot. she put her finger to her lips signalling to be quite.

they looked away, so they wouldn't look suspicious also knowing she was gonna get the hat back. she walked between eyeball and ace, yanking the hat and handing it to gordie.

"why don't you pick on someone else, dickface?" she spat at the mean boys.

"what is it to you loony?" the words slipped eyeballs mouth easily.

it was as if time slowed down, y/n had been beaten and hurt by her father. she didn't love him, but no one was gonna call her a loony or him. time then went back to normal.

the boys looked at each other scared, both the duchamps had anger problems and would fight you. she lunged at eyeball, punching, kicking, screaming. she soon got pulled off by her brother and vern, who had just walked by.

teddy asked "what'd they do y/n?"

she looked over, "same shit different day."

she walked back home with her duffle bag in-hand. the next day her brother asked if she wanted to join his friends in the treehouse. she said sure, she had known them forever but they didn't hang out that much.

she went to boarding school so she was only here in the summer so she didn't see anyone much. the duchamps walked to the treehouse laughing and shoving each other along the way.

teddy knocked the secret knock, and the trapdoor opened they both climbed up.

after a couple games of cards were played the group started to get bored with the idea of another round of chris winning.

"i'm bored lets do something else!" groaned gordie.

"well what d'ya suggest?" asked chris.

"truth or dare!" i butted in.

"sounds good." said the boys.

"okay y/n you first." said gordie.

"truth or dare?" he asked.

"dare!" she said, her duchamp coming out.

"i dare you to.....flash us." he said chuckling.

she rolled her eyes, and lifted her black shirt showing her bra.

"done. okay gordie truth or dare?" chris, vern and gordie sat in a blushing shocked state.

teddy was grossed out that his sister had just flashed his friends.


"do you really like pamela from english when we were younger still?" she asked laughing.

he blushed. "maybe."

more questions were asked, until it was finally verns turn.

"truth." he replied.

"do you really have the hots for ol' y/n here?" asked chris chuckling.

he looked away blushing.

"yeah..." he said.

"you don't stand a chance no what a fattie like you could get with my sister." teddy said meanly.

he looked down sad.

she looked at teddy, "wanna a bet?" she said annoyed at her brother.

"fine, i bet you wont kiss ol' vern on the lips!" he said.

she grabbed vern and brought him over, she spoke quietly to him so only he could hear "ya ready verno?" she asked, he nodded.

she placed her lips on his. they kissed for a couple of seconds till they pulled back.

she turned to teddy "don't be fucking rude teddy, verns a nice guy."

soon the pair fell in love, and guess who lost his baby fat? ol' verno thats who and well that was another big fat bonus to y/n and teddy was stuck without a girlfriend which made the engaged eighteen year olds laugh. they soon got married and settled down.

and they lifted happily ever after.

suck on that teddy!

i actually rlly like this one ayyeeee.

- lily

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