"i like her!" - whole gang, stand by me [edited]

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"did you see the new girl?" vern asked his friends, who all nod.

"yeah she's hot." says teddy, who laughs his funny cackle.

"shut up." chris says nudging teddy.

"i dont shut up, i grow up and when i look at you i throw up! AHHHHH!" says all the boys unison, just as they the new girl walks past. she laughs at them, shaking her head smile still on her face.

she definitely stood out from the other girls in castle rock, she wore jeans, t-shirts and her scruffy white converse. her long h/c hair cascaded down her back, her e/c eyes shined with amusement as she looked at the supposed 'nerds.' she threw a different vibe then the other girls.

susan (so sorry if thats your name!) the girl who showed y/n around said 'if you hang with them you are a nerd and that she wont speak to you again if you do'

so she decided she would talk to boys, they seem better than the girls here anyway. she walks over to the group of teens laughing. she smiles and says "hi boys, i'm new my names y/n. what are your names?" she asks grinning hopefully.

"i'm vern! its nice to meet you sincerely." says a cute chubby little boy, y/n smiles at him he goes for a hand shake but she skins it instead. the guys eye her impressed.

"i'm teddy. teddy duchamp." says a boy with glasses, she nods her head and skins his hand.

"nice to meet ya teddy. teddy duchamp." she jokes.

teddy laughs his unique cackle, y/n only smiles at his silliness. "i'm gordie." a boy with brown hair says quietly putting his hand out for a skin. she skins t.

"nice to meet ya man." she says. she turns to the last boy, he has blonde hair and he smirks at her.

"i'm chris chambers." they skin hands. he surprised she hasn't been told the no good chambers family story yet. hopefully she wouldn't change her mind after, she seemed cool.

"howdy chambers." she says jokingly the boys chuckle along with her.

"favourite comic?" teddy asks to the h/c haired girl.

she quickly replies "superman, ten."

they nod in response agree of some sort.

"favourite show?" vern asks curiously.

",ickey, but I do like that new one that just came on call dennis the menice y'all watched it?"

gordie nods "that is a pretty good show."

"okay okay. favourite type of car?" said with moving his hands about like if she doesn't like the right car their out.

she thinks about the variety she personally likes.

"thats hard, but it would have to be the 1957 chevrolet bel air convertible." she says, happy with her answer.

they all look at her impressed, she sure does know her cars.

they start to walk outside y/n following. "so why'd you choose to talk to us instead of the girls here?" asks vern innocently.

"girls annoy me here. and susan-" they all groan and fake vomit at the mention of her name. Sshe chuckles and continues "- yeah her, she told me stay away from you and said if i hang out with you guys she won't talk to me anymore, and you guys seemed cool and i don't want to talk to her anyway." y/n says out of breathe.

"okay last question, would you rather go out camping in the woods with us in summer or would you rather go shopping with some girls?" shris says smiling.

she pulls a cigarette out and lights it, "definitely go camping with you boys." she says smirking.

"i like her!" teddy says to the other three boys standing in line with him.

"she is pretty cool." chris replies to teddys comment.

"what do you say y/n wanna join the gang? we are going to the tree house this afternoon." gordie asks, she nods.

"just call me a nerd!" she replies.

they all laugh and smile enjoying the moment.

who woulda new that they would have stayed friends after high school was over. where ever you saw one of the boys you saw y/n too. thats how it always was and how it will always be.

you never have a set of friends like the ones you have when your twelve, jesus no one can find some.


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- lily

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