the race - steve randle.

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y/n sat in her bright cherry red car, bandana holding her locks back, a pair of denim shorts, a tight black t-shirt, and some red converse.

today was the race between greasers and socs, as soon as tim had signed up for the race on the greasers behalf, he called y/n. if she won the socs would have to stay away from the all the places on the list, or they would get jumped at the said place, and vice versa. basically the right to decide how much turf you wanted without the others say.

y/n revved the engine with a smirk painted on her face, her fingers clenched the wheel tight, she was ready. angela shepard stood between the two cars about to wave the flag.

the soc boy looked towards y/n, he was shitting bricks holding on the wheel, y/n had quiet the rep. she had won every race she had been since the age of fourteen. he on the other had won two, best they had though.

all the greasers cheered on one side shouting her name, and the socs on the other side. they were racing on a shut off road that the town didn't plan on fixing up for a while. pot holes filled the track making y/n even more excited.

angela waved her flag and y/n floored it, her car speed down the road passing by him with ease, the miles began to grow higher, loud cries of joy entered the air from all the greasers. adrenaline filled her veins as the speed took over body, she wasn't far of the turn around spot. but the soc was gaining on her, she reached the end swerving back around flooring it. the soc had some difficulty turning meaning she was ahead, she avoided a few potholes weaving on the road, she zoomed back to the finish the soc had gotten stuck in a pothole.

she stopped parking the car with a smirk of victory on her face.

she opened the door stepping onto the road, looking across at the socs, "good luck nice time!" she said with a thumbs up and a cheeky wink.

all the greasers ran down picking her up, cheering. steve randle held a smile on his face walking over with the rest of the curtis gang. she got down with a smirk and walked towards him.

"thanks for checking out her engine, she was smooth and fast on the road." she smiled blowing a bubble with her gum.

"no problem l/n, so uh the bet still on?"

"sure it is, pick me up at eight loverboy." she said waving goodbye to everyone and hoping in her car speeding off.

"no wonder you wanted her to win so bad, stevie." chuckled two-bit.

i just don't know what this is.

like i just don't know.

- lily

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