proud. - steve randle

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(steve x curtis!reader)

it was a early monday morning when i got awoken by pots and pans clanking and boys shouting.  it was the first day back after summer, i rolled my eyes when i heard the obnoxious shouts of steve randle. my brothers best buddy since grade school, god i loathed him. i stood up stretching my shirt rising slightly, and i sighed opening my door and walking out into the havoc to get some breakfast. i walked down the hall way feeling like the living dead as i reached the end i stumble over a rouge shoe nearly eating shit, i grabbed the closest thing to me which happened to be dally's shoulder. he turned to the contact noticing that i had tripped and shook his head with a chuckle.

"hey kid."

"hi dal." i replied continuing my journey for some possible chocolate cake. all eyes turned to me and i nodded in greeting, two-bit whistled teasingly at my attire. undies and a large t-shirt that one of the eight boys owned.

"lay off two, its too early for this." i sighed, walking past a quiet steve. i saw darry by the stove making some eggs for himself, i patted his shoulder.

"hey big brother."

he kissed my cheek in greeting shoving a plate with toast on in my hand.

i said a thanks through a mouthful of toast as i was walking back to the lounge room.

"you're a lady, chew before you talk y/n jeez. acting like bloody two-bit more and more everyday." he sighed.

before i could sass back steve joked "lady? no way." i shoved him hard and walked to the couch sitting on the arm rest due to lack of space. two-bit just looked over and offendedly raised his hands before turning back to the t.v.

johnny looked up at me and smiled, "hey doll, how ya going?"

"pretty good johnnycakes, you?"


i nodded shoving the last of my toast into my mouth before sitting up and walking back to the kitchen with my plate. on the way i grabbed some cake from steve's hand.

"hey!" he said following me into the kitchen.

"you got the whole damn plate man, i took one piece." i said leaning on the counter.

"you coulda' just asked instead of yanking out my hand."

i shrugged shoving the cake into my mouth dusting my hands off. i walked off not acknowledging his point and walked into my room trying to find something to wear. if they didn't think i was a girl well maybe i just show em' how much of a girl i can be.

i grabbed a black skirt that angela gave me for my birthday last year and a long sleeved white flowery blouse. i chucked them on walking towards pony and soda's room for some socks. i grabbed a white pair and grabbed my school shoes wandering towards the lounge room. i slipped the socks on and quickley chucked the school shoes on.

steve looked at me with a weird expression i hadn't seen before, i brushed hair out of my eyes and walked off towards ponyboy and johnny who were greasing their hair. "c'mon boys, gotta hit the road jack."

the boys nodded and we all left to school. i wasn't exactly excited but then again i never particularly was, unlike my brother ponyboy. sodapop hated school a heck of a lot more than i did though. i fell in the middle, which is kinda of funny because i was the middle child. i suppose there was some ups to school, like the shepard outfit they where always a laugh. or even the some of the other gangs could make school a bit interesting but even then i still couldn't enjoy it like darry or ponyboy had.

bearing in mind that they lived two very different high school lives. ponyboy was a book smart genius who had been put up a year or two. and darry, well he was king of the school. king jock. he was a gun at football and the whole school knew it to. the difference was big. but they had both enjoyed it a lot more than soda and i obviously had.

two-bit was another person who enjoyed school which i found odd. considering his tendencies to cause trouble and get in all the bad books with teachers. when i'd ask why he liked it so much he always reply with, "its a joke, and i love making people laugh. its like pony and a book its just a good match, right?"

johnny wasn't really a big fan, only showed up when we forced him to. he was a real smart kid, lots of potential. but he couldn't find time to care about school, they had never helped before with anything. he didn't think they would help him now.

steve, well he just wanted to make his old man proud i think. his dad was never really going to be, he didn't care about his son. he didn't care about anything much after steve's ma left. steve never really got much recognition for his achievements. even though i hated him i still praised him when he tried to tell sodapop about a good grade. i knew he was smart, i knew he could go places. but no one really cared about where he ended up. at least thats what he thought until one monday night.

the long monday had dragged on lots of long lessons and greeting old friends, it wasn't the worst first day but it wasn't the best. i had kicked my shoes off and i was sitting on the lounge doing some homework, ponyboy and soda had gone out to the shops to get some milk and bread. and darry was in his room getting a good rest for work tomorrow. it was for the first time in a long time calm and silent. i was just about to finish the last homework question when i got interrupted by the door slamming open.

a distraught steve looked up, he had a black eye starting to form and scratched up shirt. i almost immediately forgot about my homework and stood up. he looked like he was about to cry and hanging around eight boys i knew pride was important. and not to get some tissues and hug him, like you would most girls. but not all girls, because i for one hated crying.

"hey steve."

"hi y/n." he said holding back his tears.

"want some cake?" i asked with furrowed brows. i got up, he nodded and we walked to the kitchen. i was hopeful that he would be better after some cake and tv. but you never know with steve. he's a moody cow. he sat on the kitchen bench and waited for me to get him a slice.

i cut two and place them on a plate on the dining table. we sat down next to each other silently enjoying some cake.

"you uh, wanna uh, talk about it?" i asked placing my hand on his. sure i hated him, but that didn't mean i didn't care about the idiot. he was someone i cared about.

"my dad hit me and start telling me how worthless i was, so i knocked him out and left." he said wiping a tear. "i just want him to be proud of me, just once."

"everything gonna be okay, i promise. and curtis girls never brake their promises." i smiled planted a comforting kiss on his cheek.

part two??

- lily

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