chapter 3 - mr. boss man

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In the morning, I wake up before him.

I get his clothes out of the wash and start on breakfast for us.

His clothes are ripped and stained, as if it's all he had to wear for a while, which I don't doubt.

I hate how people treat hybrids like animals.

Yes, they have ears and tails, yes, they act like animals when is comes to cuddling and territories, but why are they any less than us? They're just a bit different. Not less.

I don't like the fact that they're sold to others. Should they not have their freedom?

I'm so deep in thought, I don't hear chan come out until I hear him putting on his old clothes.

"Good morning, chan." I greet, but he doesn't respond.

I turn to him, and hes headed for the door.

I bolt quickly and block the doorway.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

He doesn't make eye contact.

"I'm leaving. You don't want me, right? You would never want me, right?" He asks, sounding more sad than angry.

"I meant that I didn't want to own you like you were a pet or something." I sigh and explain, "I feel like you should be your own person. Not 'agust's hybrid'."

He leans forward and sets his arm on the door next to my head.

"You really don't know anything about us, do you?" He breathes, not sounding sad anymore.


"You see, hybrids like being owned. It means someone needs them, you see?" He explains, "when you told me you didn't bring me here to keep me, it hurt. Now I understand what you mean."

"I didn't bring you here to keep you though," I tell him, "but if you want to stay, I would be delighted."

His eyes light up and he launches himself off of his couch seat and on top of me, which would be fine if he wasn't twice as big as me.

"Chan. Buddy, I need to breathe." I pat his back.

"Oh, sorry." He scrambles off of me.

He sits there, grinning goofily for a few seconds before piping up

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He sits there, grinning goofily for a few seconds before piping up.



"What's burning?"


I curse to myself as I scrape our breakfast into the trashcan.

"What do we do now?" He asks, head cocked.

"Go out, I guess." I glance at his clothes, "change your shirt, that one is spent. We'll go clothes shopping as well."


I walk into my Cafe and sit at the counter.

Woojin walks out and greets us.

"Hey, Agust. How's working at the bakery been?" He asks.

I grimace,

"The boss is a real sack of manure. I've learned some different pastries to try out. I think I'm about ready to come back, though."

"What?" Chan asks, drawing woojin's attention to him.

"Who's this? A hybrid? Hes so cute!" Woojin scratches at his ears, right where they connect to his head.

I gasp and reach to stop him, but Chan is happy and pushing into woojin's hand.

"B-but isn't that-"

Chan places his hand on mine through his pleasure,

"Don't worry, it's only when I'm not expecting it."

Woojin thinks about it for a second before laughing,

"Don't tell me he..."

"He did! How can he know so little about hybrids?" Chan responds.

"Hey! Shut up!" I whine.

Chan runs his fingers through my hair, and I find myself getting goosebumps, it feels so nice.

"Your order?" Woojin asks.

"Oh, yeah, I want some hot chocolate and cereal. Frosted flakes." I order, chan pulling his hand away.

"That's not on the menu, boss man." He teases.

"Under the counter to the left. It's what I eat when I come here early."

"Why do you come here early?" Chan asks.

"Order, pup, then I'll explain."

He pouts, but orders.

"Can I have black coffee and a cinnamon roll?"

Woojin doesn't even write it down and walks off.

"You see, channie, I own this place." I explain, "I bought it with woojin after we graduated."

He gasps,

"Are you and woojin..."

"No!" I stop him, "just best friends. No feelings here!"

He looks pleased, but motion for me to continue.

"I work at the bakery down there for some recipes and experience." I say, running my fingers through his hair.

He closes his eyes and nods.

"I come in and work on Saturdays, when we're typically understaffed. We only have woojin here on Saturdays unless someone agrees to come in, but we don't like asking. It's their one of their days off." I explain.

"So why don't you just close it on Saturdays?" He asks.

"Because that's when everyone comes. In the morning, people don't feel like cooking, so they come here. In the after noon, they've been out and about and come here to eat. At night, they want desert or sweets and get them here." I grin, remembering many instances while working here.

"So that's where you found me?" He asks, "the bakery?"

I nod once, then woojin comes back out with our orders.

Either this chapter was going to be 300 words or 800

I went with 800 bc I figured that's what you nerds would want <3

I was going to update every other day, but I can't help it, I love this book.

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now