chapter 12 - kittens and bunnies

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I'm woken up a few hours later by the door creaking open.

Chan is passed out snoring, so I sit up.

In the door way is a small, shaking figure.

"Seunggie?" I ask, holding a hand out.

He runs in and falls into my arms, shaking hard.

"Auggie." He whispers.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here." I comfort him.

"Bad dream." He whimpers.

"Come on, into bed." I scoot over, my side pressing into Chan's. Seungmin clambers up beside me, shoving his face into my chest.

I stroke his ears as he clutches my waist tightly.

"It's okay." I promise, kissing his forehead.

I eventually lull him to sleep, falling alseep myself not too long afterwards.


"The heck is this?" I wake up to Chan asking.

I'm cradling the cat in my arms with Chan's own arms around the both of us.

"I re-scent you and he decides to stink up the whole room?" He grumbles, sliding his arm back to rest on my hip.

"He was scared." I mumble, not moving.

"Whatever. Your heart is too kind." He sighs.

I reach back and grab his hand.

"I feel like we're one big family." I sigh dreamily.


"You're the dad that is protective and goofy, I'm the compassionate and caring mother, and he's our scardey cat son." I giggle.

He makes a few incoherent noises, and I don't ask for a translation.


We have to go to work, and sure enough, hyunjin and woojin are both there.

"Our hybrids have multiplied." Woojin jokes, greeting seungmin and chan with ear scratches.

"Tripled." I laugh.

"How many are there going to be after your guys' little plan?" He asks.

"Well, there's us three... That is if jinnie wants to... And minho and changbin, if they want... And minho has two friends he wants us to keep... So seven!" Chan adds up, "and every hybrid in need on the streets and oppressed by their family, like seungmin."

I gasp, suddenly remembering the bunny.

"Chan! When we were in the pet store, did you sense any hybrids?"

"What? No... I don't think so? Then again I was with you... I might have missed something. Why?"

"There was this bunny, near the door. He looked too smart." I say.

"Well, if you want, we can check it out later." He promises, lacing his fingers through my hair.

I lean into his touch, nodding.

"Alright, back to work." Woojin says, cupping hyunjin's face for a second.

"Wait! Can I help?" Seungmin asks, clutching onto my arm.

Chan sighs heavily, but I recognize a flicker of adoration in his eyes.

"Yes, Minnie, you can." I tell him.

"Me too?" Hyunjin asks.

"No! You're still recovering!" Woojin protests, but I roll my eyes and toss the pup an apron.


The boys all work hard, although hyunjin was barley able to do anything, thanks to Overbearing
Woojin Hyung.

After work, we split our own ways.

Hyunjin and woojin go home.

"You can go with them, seungmin." I tell the cute kitty.

"But I wanna be with you guys." He pouts as we walk to the pet store.

He looks so small in the clothes he's wearing.

We wear the same size pants, but he insisted on wearing Chan's hoodie out.

Chan acted annoyed by it, but I could tell he didn't mind.

As soon as we walk in, chan and seungmin's heads snap in the direction of the bunny.

"Holy shucks, Agust! How did I miss him last time?" Chan whispers.

Seungmin runs up to the case and opens it, reaching for the bunny.

"Wait! Seunggie, no!" I stop him and close the cage again.

The poor bunny was cowering in the corner.

The employee walks up to us.

"Good morning, sirs... Can I help you?"

"Yes." I answer, grabbing seungmin's hand, "can I buy this bunny and some tags, please?"

"Right this way..."


im emotionally exhausted today and want to puke because i feel so bad.

leave some nice comments please?

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum