chapter 26 - oof this chapter is a doozy

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the next day, we were more wary about work.

we had changbin be a doorman, so he saw who came in and who came out. we had minho in the back, with felix and jisung with him at all times. hyunjin took over minhos usual role, the cashier, which was nice because hyunjin's face was bringing in people just as much as minhos. (lol)

of course, our cute waiters seungmin and jeongin were the same. i stuck with them, though i usually stuck in the kitchen but since hyunjin was at the register i wanted to hang out where i was needed most.

woojin stayed in the back for pastries.

and chan, being the dad the he is, was everywhere, asking if anyone needed help, offering his suppourt at all times and standing at the entrance with changbin while on the lookout.

No disturbances came that day, or the day after that, or the day after that.

"He's planning something." Minho mumbles one night, a family movie night.

I was sitting in his lap, fastened to him by his arms.

He had been watching the movie silently, head resting on my shoulder

During one scene, there was a lady leaving an abusive relationship, and he said the words.

Everyone's ears pricked towards him slightly (besides woojin but hes human so what can you expect lol), listening.

"...I can try the police again-" I start, but minho shakes his head.

"No. You know how they are. And animal control is useless unless he actually hurts someone."

I pout, leaning further into minho's chest.


A week passes, then two.

Everyone was on edge.

It was like we were holding our breaths for something, anything to happen.

We got more hybrids to work in our cafe, both shifters and non.

We got more days off as result and we did something, anything, on our off days to keep our minds off of it. First day we went to a pool. Next day we went to a beach. Then shopping, and the theatre, and so on.

We kept busy for the weeks and weeks that it was silent.

It wasn't until one very busy work day that the man showed back up.

He was flanked by two other strays.

The room was silent as the three stalked in.

"I'm back. Have you made a decision, baby?" He growls at minho, who's at the counter again.

I'm on the other side of the counter, in one of the booths. Minho is too far away.

"I choose to stay. I told you this last time."

"Tsk tsk tsk," sooyeon tuts, "you know how I drive my bargains. Either you come with me or I choose someone just as valuble. " His eyes flick around the room.

"No. You're gonna leave us alone." Minho orders with a practiced steadiness in his voice.

"If that's what you want, baby boy." Sooyeon hisses lowly.

I've been so caught up in what's happening in front of me that I didn't realize seungmin ushering people out again.

We're all alone now.

As sooyeon stalks past my booth, his arm shoots out and grips my wrist with a surprisingly strong grip. I cry out in pain, and minho and chan lunge forward from their positions.

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now