chapter 14 - Boyfriend

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"I guess cuddle bunny is a literal term." Chan mumbles, hugging the small boy closer to him.

I chuckle and pull my own little hybrid flush against my chest.

They're giggling and talking quietly.

"I don't remember having two kids in the span of a week." I shake my head incredulously, "chan, this is all your fault."

"Psh, maybe. But whatever. I can see how much you like them."

I nod and bury my face in seungmin's soft hair.

"Hyung?" Jeongin asks.

Chan nuzzles the side of his face in acknowledgement.

"I'm hungry."

"Me too!" Seungmin pipes up.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask jeongin.

"I- I don't know any places. I've never been." He mumbles, looking down.

"It's okay, bun!" I reassure before he clams up again, "we can go to seunggie's favorite place and maybe you'll like it, too!"

He nods and we get up to get ready.

As chan gets a bunch of shoes out to see if he can fit jeonggie, I facepalm.

"We need to go clothes shopping for these two."

Chan chuckles.

"I was wondering..."

"Yah! Why didn't you say anything?" I hit his arm.

Jeongin flinches and shrinks back from me.

"Oh-" I reach my hand out to check on him, but stop so I don't freak him out.

"I'm sorry, jeongin..." I apologise, "I didn't hit him to hurt him. It was just playful."

He nods, but I don't make any moves to touch him.

Seungmin comes up and wraps his arm around the bunny,

"Don't worry, Agust would never hurt us." He promises.

Chan agrees, standing up and wrapping his arm around me and kissing my cheek.

I blush and push him away gently.

"Don't kiss me!"

He chuckles and shakes his head,

"Here, jeonggie. Wear these converse."

"Oh, I bought you guys some chokers to use as collars. So people don't look at us weird." I explain, handing them out.

"Thank you." Jeongin says, nodding to me.

I pet his hair and help him put it on, pleased when he allows me to.


"You can't buy me all of this stuff!" Jeongin prostests when he sees the cost.

I run my fingers through his hair,

"Between chan and I, we can afford it." I promise.

"Your hybrids are Soo cute." The cashier coos, "I've always wanted a pet. Do they play fetch?"

"" I swallow my heart making it's way up my throat.

Chan clenches his jaw slightly, swallowing his pride.

I tug us out of there after I finish paying, and even seungmin looks put off.

"Don't worry. She doesn't know about hybrids." I try to comfort him.

He nods sadly and looks up at me.

"I'm used to it. Let's go home, please. I want this stupid collar off."

I kiss his forehead and we're on our way back.


As soon as we walk in, I unclip the kitten's choker.

Jeongin hugs seungmin tight, surprising all of us.

"Let's get ready for bed, yeah?" Chan asks after they pull apart.


I've decided that I'm buying a bigger bed or that ill just have to resign my life to one of no sleep.

Chan is curled up with the bunny in his arms, and I'm pressed close to them with seungmin laying on top of me.

He had cried himself to sleep. Whatever the cashier had said got to him really bad.

I didn't have the heart to make him sleep on the couch, and jeongin had climbed right in with us, so who were we to say no?

But now I'm dying of heat.

I slip out from underneath the kitten and get up.

I make myself some coffee and haul myself up on the counter top.

"It's late." I hear.

I look up at chan, making his way to me.

"Couldn't sleep."

He comes in between my legs and hugs me tight.

"I'm sorry for dropping into your life and upturning it." He says, slightly muffled due to his face pressed into my shoulder, "first you have to take care if me. Then you get fired because of me. Now you had to kidnap another cat for money, let him stay, and now you have a bunny to take care of as well."

I pull his head back.

"Stop it. You guys have given me the most happiness I've had since I was in high school. And I'm glad to help everyone out. You would have died, seungmin would've been kept in that nothophobic household, and jeongin- oh, that poor bun bun! Chan, I have a family now, with more on the way. You have made my life so full- mmph!"

I'm cut off by a pair of lips on mine.

His lips are soft and apply the perfect pressure.

He pulls back, a shocked look on his face.

I'm speechless.


"Agust, I'm so sorry please don't kick me out, I promise I won't ever do it again!" He backs up a few steps and clasps his hands together.

"Ch-chan?" I ruffle my eyebrows, "Why would I kick you out?"

He doesn't move, shaking.

"Come here." I tell him, reaching my hands out.

He slinks his way back between my legs.

I cup his face gently and place my lips on his once more, softly as possible.

He kisses back for a second before pulling away again.

"You're not mad?" He asks.

"Never, channie." I promise, pressing our foreheads together.

He sighs out a shaky breath and hugs me so our bodies are pressed together.

"Let's go back to bed, yeah?" He asks.

"How about to couch?" I correct, "it's hard sleeping in the king bed with four people."

He chuckles, picking me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder.


ever heard of the calm before the storm?? 😈

im jk

or am i???

no, for real, not everything is going to be cupcakes and puppies all the time, so brace yourselves.

its not that bad, i promise.

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now