chapter 9- W-H-I-P-P-E-D! what does that spell? WOOJIN!

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Chan sets hyunjin down in the bathtub, helping him tug his jackets off.

"Let me bathe him." Chan waves us off, "I need to talk to him anyways.

"Are you sure?" Woojin asks, looking worried.

"I got it, hyung." He promises.

Chan's p.o.v

"Why were you looking for me?" Hyunjin asks as I clean his back off.

"I was wondering if you were still friends with the hybrid rights activists. Right now, though, your health is more important."

"You're pretty bad yourself." He rubs his fingers over my bandages lightly.

"It looks worse than it is. My human made it better." I say, my heart fluttering.

He studies me for a second.

"I'm sorry, by the way. Being abandoned is not fun." I say earnestly.

"It's happened to you before."

"...ngh..." I nod to him, a short jerk of my neck.

I run my fingers through his hair as we fall into a solemn silence.

"... What did you need seungmin for?" He asks eventually.

I smile to myself.

"It's this idea I had..."


Agust's p.o.v

"I should go check on them." Woojin says for the umpteenth time. He starts standing up, but I put my hand on his arm, stopping him.

"Woojin, trust chan. I would put my life in his hands. Plus, they know each other. We don't wanna stress hyunjin any more than he already is."

"I trust chan." He sighs, sitting back down, "I'm just worried."

Chan sticks his head out of the door.

"Hey, jinnie hyung? Can you get hyunnie some clothes?"

Woojin nods quickly and stands up, happy to help.


"Seungmin. You want his help?" Hyunjin asks.

"Yes, is that asking too much?" Chan winces.

"No. It's a great idea you have. Seungmin will love it." He grins, picking up his mug of hot tea. When he sips it, though, he flinches and pulls back quickly.

Woojin places his hand on hyunjin's back, worried.

"Are you okay? Is it too hot?" He asks, "I can get you some ice, if you want. Or I can-"

Hyunjin places his hand on woojin's, cutting him off.

"It's fine. I'm fine." He promises, "I can take you to seungmin's house tomorrow, but it's complicated."

"Why?" Chan asks, laying his head on my shoulder and tapping my side with his fingers.

"You see, his family doesn't know he's a hybrid. To them, he's a normal house cat. They're nothophobic, you see." (like homophobic but for hybrids. Or racist.)

"So how will you-" chan starts, but is cut off.

"I know cat. That's how we're friends." He gives a half smile. "I can relay your message to him."

"Good." Woojin nods, still not quite knowing what's going on, "but first, we sleep. It's late and you need rest." He nags hyunjin.

I nod, "we should head home as well."

Chan nods, sitting up.

Short but only bc I wanted all the fluff in the next chapter together rather than be split up

double update bc this chapter is so short?? maybe.

sorry its later than usual today.

i had Dnd club after school and then went out and ate with my grandmother.

after dinner, i went to see my friend who just moved into a new house.

we got home late and i had to do homework, but now im done. (mostly)

im exhausted. im gonna come home tomorrow and sleep.

dont worry about me, though. ill be fine.

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now