chapter 11 - kidnap- catnap?

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"We're almost there, hyung." Hyunjin places his hand on woojin's arm.

Hyunjin is currently wearing a light pink hoodie that falls past his plams, giving him sweater paws and ripped skinny jeans, courtesy of chan.

"Okay. Are you ready? We can postpone this if you don't feel good." Woojin worries, placing his hand on hyunjin's head, rubbing his ears gently.

"I'm fine, hyung." He swats the older man away from him.

I lean into chan, watching the other two happily.

"You're gonna have to stay in the car." Chan informs me and woojin, "I don't want to stir you guys up in this if his owners get angry."

I nod once and the car stops.


Chan's p.o.v

We get out of the car and hyunjin leads me to a patch of trees behind the house.

"Wait here, I'll get Minnie. " He yips, nudging my arm with his dog nose.

I pat his head and nod, sitting down.


I don't wait more than 10 minutes before they're back.

I hand hyunjin his clothes as he shifts, and then give Minnie his clothes as he does the same.

He groans and stretches his legs as he feels his human body for the first time in a while.

"Seungmin, this is chan. Chan, seungmin." Hyunjin introduces us.

"So I hear you need money?" Seungmin asks asfter we shake hands.

"Yes. You're super into hybrid rights, yeah?"

His eyes spark, and I know I've hit gold- maybe literaly.

I explain my idea to him, and his eyes get more and more excited as I go along.

"... Do you have any idea how we could get money?" I ask hopefully.

"I have an idea that would benefit both you and me, you mutt!" Seungmin grins.

I flinched at the name, but the way he said it was more brotherly than hurtfully.

"Sorry, that wasn't meant to hurt you." He apologizes, reaching out to pet me.

I duck, startled.

"Sorry, sorry..." He slightly withdraws into himself.

"No, it's okay... I was just surprised."

"It's okay, seunggie... It's not your fault that you're not well socialized. Maybe we can finally get you out of here." Hyunjin pulls his friend into a hug.

"So here's the plan..." Seungmin nods, beginning his idea.


Agust's p.o.v

"No. No. I'm not kidnapping you!" I tell the cute cat hybrid with red hair and white ears.

"But you're not!" Seungmin promises, clutching both of my hands in his, "It's more like I'm running away! The reward money for turning me in will be able to pay for the apartment! And then I'll run away again and work here and live with you guys."

I gently pull away, noticing chan gritting his teeth.

"Sorry, hyung." Seungmin flinches slightly, shoving his hands behind his back.

"No, it's fine, kitty." I promise, placing my hands on his shoulders slightly.

He smiles at me, eyes almost glittering.

"So... Where's he staying?" Woojin suddenly asks.

I look at chan, and his jaw is slack.

"Did not think that one through..." Hyunjin mumbles.


"Thank you for letting me stay here." Seungmin thanks us again for the millionth time.

Chan giggles at the cute boy as he sets up the couch.

"You're always welcome here, Minnie." I reach out and scratch his ears softly.

I guess I did something right, because he starts purring and presses himself right up against me.

"Watch yourself, kitty cat." Chan mumbles in warning.

"Sorry, hyung." Seungmin steps back, sheepish.

"The bed is all ready for you." He motions.

Seungmin hops on it, looking excited.

"Good night!" Chan says sweetly before dragging us to our bed.

"Chan? It's only 8:00?" I say, watching him tug his shirt. We don't usually go to bed until 9:30 at earliest.

"You smell funny." He eventually says, climbing into bed.

I tense up and sniff my shirt.

"Do I?"

"No. Yes- it's different for humans." He groans.

"Just explain, babe." I say, climbing onto the bed.

He grabs my hips and pulls me to sit on his lap, straddling his legs as he sits up.

"You are mine, right?" He asks, leaning his head on my shoulder, nose buried into my neck.

"Of course." I respond shakily. I run my hands up his back and up his neck, settling into his hair.

"You're supposed to smell like me. It's a territorial thing." He breathes in deeply before sighing, "you smell like seungmin."

"Do I?" I ask.

"You may not realize, but every time he touches you, you smell more and more like him."  He starts rubbing his face on my neck.

"Yes. Now let me get rid of it." He mumbles.

I chuckles and scratch his ears.

He groans happily as he scents me while I scratch his ears.

"There." He says after he finishes.

I'm blushing at this point.

I lay down, and he laughs.

"Wh-what?" I ask, glowering at the wall.

"You're still in your work clothes." He tugs me back, flush against his chest.


He chuckles again and unbuttons my slacks.

"Ah!" I squeak, rolling away from him.

He looks shocked for a second before bursting out into laughter.

"Poor flustered baby." He manages out between his little bursts.

"Shut up." I tug my pants and shirt off and kick them off the side of the bed.


lol its early today because ive got a meeting later today.


Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now