chapter 32 - boyfriend(s)

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After work the next day, we head home. we drop changbin and jisung off at the dorm and minho grabs some clothes before getting back in the car.

he has been fidgety and nervous the entire day, and he's getting worse now.

chan and I are trying to pretend like we have no idea what's happening, but it's not hard to see.

chan and I help eachother get ready while minho does the same in the other room.

"looking good." chan whistles as I spin for him to see.

he does the same, and we laugh before going out to the living room.

minho's in there, adjusting his belt.

I whistle, as chan did, and compliment him.

"whew, giving us a run for our money?" I tease.

he blushes, but pulls my head under his arm for a noogie.

"yah! my hair-" I cry.

chan laughs and watches.



we end up at a super fancy restaurant, to my surprise.

"wow- fancy place, kitten." I mumble as I reach up to scratch minho's ears.

he blushes, wrapping his arm around my waist.

we get a few glances, as usual, but minho and chan seem unaffected.

when we sat down, it was like the rest of the world became a distant buzz because I was with my two favorite people and I didn't care if people were looking and judging. I was just enjoying life with my soulmates. the waitor seemed a bit confused, but held her tongue. We decided to forego dessert after we saw some big angry looking guys enter.

as we walked out, it was like letting go of a big breathe i had been holding the entire time.

"okay, I've got somewhere to bring you guys." minho grins.

my heart leaps into my throat.


Minho drives us again.

we end up back the the apartment, but instead of taking the stairs, we take the elevator all the way up to our apartment.

"minho, what-" chan starts, but minho hands us each blindfolds to tie around our heads.

the doors slide open, and minho leads us to the apartment.

minho steps in first, sheepishly letting us know we can take off our blindfolds.

"it's last minute and small, but I got jisung and changbin to help out."

we follow, gazing at the setup.

it's a blanket fort, set up with a few bar stools and lots of pillows and blankets with fairy lights along its perimeter. jisung and changbin were there, too, setting up the TV with chan and minho's favorite console.

"wow, minho!" I sigh, leaning my cheek on his shoulder, "it's wonderful."

"you guys are all set up." jisung grins at us.

"thanks, ji." minho smiles and ruffles the small man's hair.

I give him a hug before he goes, and then changbin.

"night, guys. don't keep the neighbors up." he winks.

I fake-retch and he laughs.

chan swats at him and he yelps before running out.


we get dressed in our pajamas and lay on the pillows.

some of the pillows were obviously stolen from the other apartments, seeing as woojins chicken pillow case pillow was here, as well as seungmin's Day6 one.

Minho is flopped on his tummy, and chan is next to him.

I wriggle in next to them, wanting to watch them play whatever game they were starting.


we settle on watching some romance movie after they finish their game, but we could hardly focus on the movie because of how tense it got. 

I was sitting on Chan's lap, cuddled under a blanket, and minho is sitting on his own at the other end of the fort.

"minho." I eventually whine, and he uncrosses his arms.


he hesitates.

I wait, holding my breath.

"First... are you sure?" he asks.

"about what?" I respond, sitting up.

"that you... want me... in your relationship?"

"yes." I don't even have to look at chan to know he was nodding, and his fingers were gripping into my waist.

"so... will you two be my boyfriends?"


I giggle so hard chan has to wrap his arms around my waist so I don't bounce right off.

"yes! yes yes yesss!" i launch myself off of chan to hug minho tight.

Chan chuckles, which turns into full-on laughing.

minho hugs me back, shaking.

"Hyung?" minho asks, voice cracking.

"yes, minho." chan rumbles, reaching out and rubbing his ears, "I'll be your boyfriend."


sup kiddos

eat and drink ya food

dad wants you healthy 😤😤😤😤

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora