chapter 25 - date night

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"what do you mean you cant do anything about it?" i all but yell into the phone, tugging at my hair angrily.

"im sorry, sir, but hybrids cant get restraining orders." the person over the phone sighs.

"bullshit! thats bullshit. there is a man threataning and harassing mY boy, and you wont do anything to protect him?"

"sir, they arent people. theyre only animals, you know?" he asks, huffing. i can almost hear him roll his eyes.

my eyes water up and i hang up, rearing back to throw my phone across the room.

"woah, woah! " chan catches my arm, taking the phone from my hand gently.

i groan in frustration,  ripping my arm from his grip and storming off to go stand in front of the open window.

chan follows and wraps his arms around my waist, pressing his body close to mine.

"dont worry, baby boy, he wont get Minho. we'll fight tooth and nail to keep him."

"its bullshit that we have to, though, rather than being protected from that psychopath." i growl, "the police didnt even bother! they think they have all the hybrid strays, but they dont even realize the amount of shifter colonies out there. "

he wraps his arms tight around my torso, massaging lightly.

"i know, baby, i know. Did you try animal control?"

"yes. they said to call if anything happens, but they're the same as the police." i roll my eyes.

"maybe you need to relax, no? let's go on a date." chan suggests, spinning me around to look at him.

i stop and think for a moment.



"theres no way im wearing this out." i roll my eyes.

chan forced me into a mostly unbuttoned silky shirt tucked into ripped skinny jeans with a belt, a thick silk choker thing, and some boots with a small chunky heel.

"cmon, baby, please? were going to a fancy restaurant!" he whines.

i roll my eyes, buttoning up the shirt and taking the choker off.

"fine, but like this. ill put on my collar instead of that huge thing, okay?"

he makes sad puppy eyes but nods.

i smile and ruffle his hair.

hes wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the tie loose, his collar slightly open so his neck and collarbone is exposed.

hes wearing it untucked and slightly baggy, his black jeans tucked into combat boots.

"shall we get going, then?" he asks, half smile on his face.


as i drive us to the place we had booked, i glance at my pup out of the corner of my eye.

his hair is getting shaggy, though it was cute.

i unconciously reach out and tangle my fingers in the strands as i look back to the road.

he hums and closes his eyes.

"do you want a haircut soon? you're getting a mullet." i giggle.

"sure. you should too." he twists his own fingers in my fading blue hair.

"maybe we can take the guys as well." i offer.

"it would be good to get minho out of the house. he hasnt been right since..." he trails off, dropping his hand into his lap.

i hum and put my own hand back on the wheel with the other.


The night was long and fancy, though we got some looks and snide comments.

"what? i cant treat my pup to a nice meal?" i always asked.

chan refused to even kiss my cheek, but i got him to (begrudgingly) hold my hand on the way back to the car.

after eating, we stopped at a redbox and picked out a few romcoms and one scary movie.

we watches movies until we fell asleep on the couch, tangled together.

although the night was nice, i had this sense of dread. i couldnt keep from worrying about my boys.

Guys I have no idea what to write so here's a filler chapter until I can get out of my freaking head

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now