chapter 28 - QnA answers

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Gray (authornim):

*Awkwardly shuffles into the room with messy notes and hair, adjusting his glasses nervously.*

Hi! I'm Gray, or the dude who wrote this book! I made a chapter for all of your questions, so thank you for leaving so many! Let me call in the boys~

*Quickly types on his phone, sending a text to Woojin to get everyone into the room*


Gray: Okay, now that everyone is here, we can get started! First, woojin's questions!

How's the cafe? I love you

Woojin: All's great now that we're all happy and safe. Although we're gonna take a few days off for all the kids to recover :)

If you got to be a hybrid what would it be? And love u!!!

Woojin: Probably one of those puppies that look like bears haha!

:( Lowkey, if your Cafe had busking with you doing most of the vocalizing, I'd go there every day :((

Woojin: ah, I usually leave that to jisung, but maybe I will! Haha,,


Gray: Alright! Now for channie's~

Take care of my babies, and you too, love you

Chan: that's the plan! And thanks~ love you, too!

Are you jealous that Minho kissed your baby boy?

Chan: Honestly, no. I saw that Agust looked better after it happened. If it helps his panic attacks, then I'd ask minho to kiss him more often.

What's your favorite outfit on Rei?
(Also love you sweetie keep up the good work dumpling)

Chan: Oh man anything that shows off his collarbones and neck.


Gray: Okay now for Minho's,,, *nervous laughter*

hon, I just want to tell you that everyone loves you and we will protect you with all of our might.

Minho: I'm good now. He no longer scares me or controls me. I found someone I forgot my fear for.

I'mma slap that hoe for hurting you, take care! love yooou

Minho: it's okay I hurt him too :/. And I will! Love you~

sweetheart what's your favorite activities to do with the group and one without the group? and love you butterscotch!

Minho: oh, I love movie night! Cuddling with sung and gray? Yes please. Alone, I like dancing, but don't... Don't tell anyone.

sweetie who is your favorite members in the group? only can choose 2 but if all of them why?

Minho: I can't choose! If I had to choose a couple, I guess Changbin, Jisung, Felix, and Gray? But not 2. My reason for loving all of them? They're there for me.

Gray: Okay! Now for Changbinnie~

hi, I relate with the fact that we think we're dark but all of our friends call us cuties and we get defensive and give up later on. Also I love you and you seem very protective.

Stray kids Hybrid AU | B.C x Male Reader| okay x L.M.H as well | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now