Chapter 3

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"Holy macaroni!" I screamed, jerking the bowl of popcorn upwards, sending kernels in the air. My mom laughed at my reaction but then also screamed when another pop-up scene appeared on the tv. I laughed and shoved her playfully. Pausing the scary movie, I got off the couch wanting more popcorn. Refilling my bowl with the buttery snack, I began walking back towards the couch but stopped. The recommendation form to U.A. High school hung on the fridge, catching my eye. I re-read it and smiled, grateful for the opportunity I was given. 

"Hey, mom?" I began, sitting down. 

"What's up, honey?" 

"I was wondering... Well, I never submitted an application to join U.A., so how do they know about me?" I asked. 

"Oh...About that... I actually filmed you during one of your training sessions and sent that video via email to the high school. I knew that becoming a hero is your greatest goal in life, so I wanted to support you."

"But I thought you were against my goal?" I quirked an eyebrow, surprised by her response. 

"Look (Y/N), I know it seems like I am against it, but I'm really not. It just reminds me of your father, that's all. I don't mean anything I say, I just... I don't want you to leave me as he did." I nodded at her response. 

"One more thing mom."

"What is it?"

"What was dad's hero name?"

"He didn't have one, it was just his name, (D/N)"

"Was he famous? What was his Quir-" 

"Alright, I'll tell you everything you want to know but after your questions, I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted."


"Wow, my father is one cool dude," I said breathlessly, flopping on my bed. My (F/C) phone rang. I glanced at it before rolling on my tummy and reaching out,  picking it up off my nightstand and held my phone lazily to my ear.


"H-hey (Y/N) it's me, Izuku Midoriya!" 

"Midoriya! What's up?" I sat up and listened to what my green-haired friend had to tell me. My (E/C) eyes widened.


One hand was wrapped around the chilly glass of water, while the other stirred the clear liquid with a straw, the tinking of the ice cubes and occasional mutter of a person were the only sounds in the diner. My foot tapped the tiled ground while I chewed on my bottom lip, waiting for my green-eyed friend. I glanced around the simple themed diner, taking in my surroundings. There were two other customers who looked to be about my age, one with ash blonde hair while the other had vibrant red hair, both with similar spiky hair, both male. The cream, red and pale blue diner was a simple and small one, not many came to the small eatery, so it was perfect for any occasion. 

My eyes darted to the side of my table where a waitress held a notepad and pen, a frilly red dress with a white apron hung on her form. "Are you ready  to order, miss?" 

"Oh, I'm still waiting for a friend. Do you mind if I wait a few more minutes?" I kindly asked, putting on my best smile. She nodded and walked back to the cash register, clearly tired from today's work. I faced forward, staring at the glass of water on the other side of the table and frowned. 'Why isn't he here yet? Did he forget?' I slumped forward and sighed, closing my eyes for a brief moment. Then, the soft jingle of bells reached my ears along with the sound of footsteps. 

"(Y/N)!" I looked up and spotted my friend, and I immediately stood up, a bright smile on my face. 

"Midoriya! It's about time!"I scooted out of the booth and sauntered over to my friend before wrapping my arms around him and softly squeezing him. My eyes slightly widened and my cheeks heated slightly when I felt how muscular he really was under his casual clothing, especially when he tensed up under my hug. I guided him towards our booth and we sat across from each other, signalling the waitress from before as she came to our table and took our orders. 

I looked back at my friend, barely containing my excitement. "I can't believe you passed the entrance exam, I'm so happy for you!" I blurted, recalling the conversation on the phone. 

"Gee, thanks!" He said, closing his eyes and laughing. I never noticed his cute freckles on his cheeks, and how voluminous his curly green hair was. Midoriya certainly is an interesting person. 

"One thing, (Y/N)" I snapped out of my thoughts and blinked, indicating him to go on. 

"You can call me Deku if you would like, or Izuku. No need to be so formal!" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Hold on, doesn't 'Deku' mean someone who can't do anything? Isn't it a bit offensive?" 

He shook his head and explained that a lot of his friends called him Deku, which can also mean 'you can do it'. I nodded and agreed to call him Deku. 

The waitress gave us our food. I ordered an (F/F) while Deku ordered a pork cutlet bowl. As we ate and talked, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being stared at. A part of my training goes toward sharpening my senses, and it really paid off because I wanted to kick whoever was glaring daggers at me right in the ass. 

"-which is why I had the-" Deku was cut off by my fists hitting the table. The water in my glass sloshed around at the impact, and the silverware clinked against my plate. The whole restaurant fell heavily silent. I slowly turned my head in the direction of the person, gritting my teeth so hard I felt like they would lock in place. It was the spiky blonde person. He had his feet up on the table with the look of a demon plastered on his face, his angry red eyes directed at Deku and me. His red-haired friend seemed to be inching away from his buddy. 

"Hey, hedgehog!" I yelled, squeezing my fists tighter, "Quit staring at me before I bash your head in the... in the... in..." My voice faltered when he stood up and stomped closer to the booth. He was slouching but he was still much bigger than me. I gulped at his size and tensed up, a bead of sweat coming down the side of my face. His presence was denser and darker than anything I have experienced. 

"Did you say something nerd?!" His voice was rough, and a little squeak slipped from my mouth. He smirked and propped a foot roughly on the edge of the red booth seat. He was intimidating. I wanted to say something but I couldn't get my mouth moving properly, and I suddenly felt very drained and trapped. 

I glanced over to Midoriya for help, but he seemed beyond terrified. I directed my gaze back to the blonde boy, who held up a hand that seemed to fire mini explosions. 

'Who the hell is this guy?!'


Forgot to mention this, as I planned to earlier on in the book, but I'll be changing quite a few things that were not originally part of the anime, though there will be some things that are. :)

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