Chapter 44

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"Let's go! What the hell are you waiting for?!" Bakugo yelled, rolling his shoulders before stretching his palms out, a deadly look in his eyes.

"Wa-wait Kaachan! Maybe we shouldn't do it here, maybe somewhere else. Like-" Deku stuttered, trying to calm the rage that now flamed in Bakugos eyes.

He launched forward with a battle cry, startling Deku and unleashing a blast that he just managed to dodge. I winced as Bakugos attacks got too close for comfort to Deku, and watched with worried eyes as Deku dodged and Bakugo attacked.

An explosion so big it shattered the buildings windows and shook the ground erupted, and I raised my arms over my head to protect myself from shards of glass and chunks of debris.

The blond managed to slip between Deku's blocks and land an uppercut that connected perfectly to Deku's jaw. I crouched and gripped the wall as the tension increased.

They both stepped back, Bakugo swaying with sudden emotions. "Why did someone like you get so strong and become acknowledged by All Might? Why is it that you became strong but I... why was I..." He raised his head and clutched his shirt, red eyes dulling. "Why was I the one that ended All Might?!"

Raising a hand to my mouth, silent tears welled in my eyes. I never knew that Bakugo felt this way. I always assumed that he forgot about the whole kidnapping situation and lived on. I never knew he kept feelings like this inside for so long.

"If I had only been stronger and had not been kidnapped by the villains, I could have saved myself and (Y/N)! Why was it me?! I couldn't tell anyone, not even (Y/N) because she's already got so much on her damn mind! I can't stop thinking about it, and I don't know what to do!" My heart twisted, and I parted my lips as the tears fell.

I wanted to rush up and hug him, tell him that it's okay, but I knew the only way for him to express his feelings was to fight it all out. Even I started to doubt myself. Maybe if I had been stronger, Bakugo wouldn't have to worry about me so much and we could have turned the tables around that time we got kidnapped... If I was just stronger...

I pressed my back against the wall and slid down, the tears flowing over my cheeks and on the ground. Bakugo and Deku's fighting continued. It shook the ground and would sometimes release waves of explosions and heat, but I didn't care. It was my fault I made Bakugo feel this way. It was my fault I wasn't strong enough...

Maybe it's my fault that I don't have a Quirk.

All I could do was sit there and cry. Cry about things I can't change, things that shouldn't get to me, things that I should just ignore but sometimes it's too hard. I'm trying to hold my head high and smile and convince myself I'm strong, but it gets too hard sometimes. I'm trying all the time, but it's so damn hard.

I punched the ground with little strength, not noticing that the explosions and green aura that seemed to light up the grounds stop. I forced the curiosity to take over my emotions, halting my tears as I quickly wiped them away. I directed my attention back to Bakugo and Deku, both looking like they went through hell and back as they stood before none other than All Might.

He spoke quietly to them. I couldn't hear most of the words, but from what he was saying Bakugo and Deku seemed better than they were before, Bakugo finally having some closure on the issue as he talked about it with All Might.

The former hero turned around, gesturing for the other two to get up and follow him. All Might stopped in his tracks before looking directly at me. My breath hitched in my throat. Had I been caught?

"Miss (Y/N), you can come out now." I mentally cursed and shuffled away from the building, twiddling my thumbs.

"Were you there the whole time, (Y/N)?" Deku asked. He had a serious expression on his faces and it grew as I nodded.

"I... know about All Might and Deku... I'm sorry!" I closed my eyes in guilt as I waited for one of them to respond.

All Might stepped forward and placed a hand on my head, smiling comfortingly at me. "Don't you worry. You're a close friend of young Midoriya. You deserve to know. But I ask you to keep it a secret, understood?" I smiled in relief and nodded eagerly, sparing a glance at Deku who also looked relived and embarrassed.

I walked between Deku and Bakugo on the way back to the dorms, my feelings on today's earlier events vanishing completely as I had other things to keep my mind on. Deku and Bakugo bickered between each other on who was going to surpass who, and it was amusing listening to them until they dragged me in it, asking for my opinion on the matter which I stuttered and gave some excuse not to answer.

Right when All Might opened the door to the medical room, a familiar grey scarf wrapped itself around the three of us, yanking us all inside and shoving us on the medical beds.

I sat upright, ready to fight at whoever attacked me before I shrunk back, the fury of Aizawas glare sending shivers along my back.

"What were the three of you thinking?!" I gulped and  started shaking, all forms of cruel punishments running though my mind. All Might quickly spoke of the situation in Aizawas ear, and the scarf immediately loosened up. I sighed and was about to get up before Aizawa tightened the scarf again, squeezing the soul out of me.

"I see. So they had no choice but to break the rules. But I can't just let it go. I will give a suitable punishment, especially for (Y/N)."

I managed to put a look of puzzlement and anger in my face. "Eh?! What are you talking about?! I didn't do anything-" The scarf tightened around me more, and I felt like my lungs were about to burst.

"Do you want me to list everything you did?! You stayed out past curfew, you allowed two students to fight, and you didn't report them when they were breaking the rules. So I'm going to have to make your punishment severe... very severe." I broke into a cold sweat at his words and wanted to stay as far away from him as possible.

If there was one thing I learned today, it was that Aizawa is scary as hell when he's mad.

"So, who hit first?" He asked, his eyes looking like they could disintegrate the three of us in an instant.

Bakugo sighed and lazily raised an arm. "I did." Aizawa nodded, making sure we all knew the severity of our actions. "Four days house arrest for Bakugo! Three days for Midoriya! During that time, you must clean all the common areas in the dorm, morning and night! Plus, you have to turn in a written apology! Go to infirmary if the pain from your injuries gets any worse." He sighed and placed his hands on his hips, slipping the scarf away.

I mentally jumped up in joy. I didn't get a house arrest probably because I was the one not fighting. "(Y/N), ten days house arrest! The same conditions apply to you!" All my happiness vanished in an instant, and I could practically feel Bakugo's teasing smirk.

"Now, go get some sleep!" Aizawa ordered.

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