Chapter 33

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"Instructed by Aizawa, you're all permitted to enter combat!" I recognized the telepathy once more and wondered what could have possibly happened for the heroes to change their minds. "Everyone! We've discovered two of their targets; Kacchan and (Y/N), both should try to avoid acting independently and avoid combat."

Chills ran down my spine. Is it the League again? I zoned out momentarily and immediately regretted it as Todoroki jumped into action, creating an ice barrier between Bakugo and the villain before he could get hurt. "Don't go rushing carelessly into anything!" Todoroki scolded.

I pulled myself away from him, not wanting to hold them back any longer. "Didn't you hear what she said? Don't fight!" He warned Bakugo again, trying to break some sense into him.

"Must be something Deku's done... saying fight then don't fight. I don't give a damn what anyone says!" He yelled, charging into the villain once more with Todoroki blocking the villains' attacks.

I clenched my teeth and watched as the villain disappeared beyond the trees for a counter-attack. "Bakugo, you idiot! Just listen and stop arguing for once in your life!" He was about to scream at me before the villain appeared again.

Bakugo raised his hands though Todoroki warned him about using big explosions, saying it could make the fire spread even more.

"Shut up! I know!"

Attack after attack, Todoroki protected Bakugo and me with his ice. There wasn't anything we could do but defend until we heard rumbling and a voice. It happened so quickly, but I knew that Deku and Shoji were here with Tokoyami, his Quirk raging and defeating the villain in an instant.

"Hurry and make light!" Shoji said. Bakugo and Todoroki nodded, using their Quirks to calm Dark Shadow down and out.

I sighed in relief, just realizing how injured Deku was as he clung onto Shoji's back, discussing with Tokoyami and Shoji on how to get to camp safely as if a minor inconvenience happened.

Bakugo and I looked at all of them with blank confusion.

"What's with you guys?!" The blond said, angry.

Todoroki looked at me. "(Y/N) and Bakugo. You both walk in the middle. I obeyed and dragged Bakugo with me.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Silence. "Don't ignore me!" Sighing, I held his hand to calm him down. He grasped on mine, almost crushing my hand as I tried not to wince.

I thought the walk would be uneventful, but everything went dark as I felt my hand disappear from Bakugo's clutch and my body encased in some sort of hard material. I just knew this was a villain attack, and I punched the walls of whatever box I was in, just realizing how tight it was with my knees pressed against my chest and my head brushing the roof of the container. I felt claustrophobic.

I heard Todoroki and Deku call my name, then Bakugo's. Though it was muffled and echoed slightly, I felt hopeful that they'd come and save me, and I once again felt like a burden. I could barely hear anything since it was all so muffled and drowned out, but I did make out few words, none which helped me out.

All I could do was wait, pondering over the thought if I was the only one captured like this. They did say their targets were me and Bakugo, but Bakugo was strong and had a Quirk. I hugged my knees. I felt like I was making this harder than it was already supposed to be. Maybe I shouldn't have come...

Everything grew still, and I thought I came to a stop before I started to grow at an alarming rate. My eyes opened and the container disappeared, letting me breathe freely once more.

I held my breath as the whole scene came crashing down on me. Deku, Todoroki and the others laid on the floor in defeat, panting heavily with blood splattered everywhere. They must've been attacked by the villain. At the same time, a familiar hand wrapped itself around the back of my neck, and I hadn't realized Bakugo stood beside me, frozen to the spot.

My senses returned as I felt myself moving backwards and I reached out a hand, looking desperately at Todoroki and Deku as something encased me from behind. My eyes wild with fear, I watched Deku get to his feet and sprint towards us, his eyes burning on me.

Even with his injuries, he's still running. Even with the smallest amount of hope, he's still reaching out. If there was one thing I was certain of, it was that I knew Deku was the definition of 'hero'.

It was too late. A purple veil covered my eyes and I disappeared behind the darkness and out of his reach. I couldn't move my neck to see Bakugo, so I searched for his hand once more, trying to find comfort in his presence but it was hard since a dangerous villain already had his hands on us.

The grip on my neck vanished, and I fell onto a wooden floor, a thud beside me told me Bakugo was still with me. It was dark, but Bakugo used his Quirk to create mini-explosions. I caught sight of his face and jumped into his arms, one slid right behind my back and squeezed me tight.

"Gosh... are you okay?" I breathed, still in shock at the events. I cupped his face in my hands and trailed my eyes down his body, catching sight of a small gash in his stomach.

I gasped softly. "You're-you're bleeding!" I began tearing strips of my shirt off.

He shifted away and growled. "I'm fine, don't worry about me." I frowned and neared closer, trying to patch the makeshift bandages as he struggled to keep me away. "I said I'm fine!"

"Bakugo, no, you're clearly not! Just let me help you!" He yelled before shoving me away harshly, causing me to land on my back and graze my open skin.

I huffed and sat up, glaring at him. "Look, I don't care if you don't want my help. We're in a bad situation right now, and we need to get through it together."

He looked away. "...Fine." I sighed and shuffled closer, wrapping the wound carefully.

"There... all done. That wasn't so bad, was it?" I smirked, trying to lighten the mood. His eyes seemed to glow under the shadows, and he leaned closer ever so slightly. I thought he was going to punch me or hurt me, but he grasped the collar of my shirt and brought me forward, doing the last thing I expected him to do.

He kissed me.

My eyes widened as his lips crashed onto mine. I felt light-headed and hot, and he was so close to me, I could smell his cologne. It didn't last long, though felt like an eternity before he pulled away, both of us panting slightly. To say I was shocked was an understatement, and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

I touched my lips. They were numb. "Bakugo... what-"

"Consider it a 'thank you'" he uttered, his face turning red before tearing his eyes away from mine. Moments later we turned our heads around, listening to the sound of footsteps coming our way.

Blue light filtered in the room. I turned to the villain and gasped, the familiar scars on his arms reminding me of what happened not too long ago.

"D-Dabi..." I uttered. He smiled and stopped in front of us, looking down with a smirk with a hand on fire.

"Hey, darling."


I'm so sorry, I've never written a kiss scene before so please bear with the bad writing. (*'-')
If you guys have any suggestions on how I can improve my writing, let me know! (^o^)

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