Chapter 34

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Dabi, along with a few other villains managed to restrain us both in a chair, though we didn't go down without a fight. I had to take a few hits to the stomach to get me to listen and obey, and Bakugo threw a fit of rage when they restrained him.

The lights were now on and illuminating the room. It looked like a bar, with chairs and a tv in place making it look like people actually lived here, which the League did.

More people entered the room, two of whom I recognized; Dabi and Kurogiri. I glared at both of them.

"It is nice to see you again, (Y/N)." Chills crawled down my spine as Kurogiri uttered those words. I could feel Bakugo looking at me, and I gulped, pressing my lips together.

"Can't say the same to her. She's a feisty one, you know?" Dabi said, stepping forward and placing a hand on my head. I shot my head forward and tried to bite him, yelling when he moved away and gestured to me. "See?"

"What the hell are they talking about, (Y/N)?" I trembled as I turned my head around, meeting Bakugo's fierce gaze. "What the hell are they talking about?!" I winced at his loudness.

"Ah, so I see you haven't told anyone about your encounters with us," Kurogiri said, exchanging glances with Shigaraki, who looked amused.

"What did you guys do to her? Did they hurt you?!" I shook my head at his question, scared of what will happen if I tell him what Dabi and Kurogiri did and said.

I heard Bakugo's explosions go off in the metal box his hands were restricted to, sort of like a warning to get me to answer. "I-I met Kurogiri- that warping guy- during my internship, and-and Dabi when I was at the mall with Deku..." I looked at him for his response and immediately regretted it, his eyes looking at me with a mix of disappointment hatred; hatred for the villains and disappointment for me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was hardly a whisper, and I was about to answer before Dabi put a foot on the arm of his chair, sneering at him.

"Hey hey, leave the pretty girl alone would ya? If you're going to explode her brain with all your interrogating and nagging, then she won't be of any use anymore. So shut your mouth."

Bakugo leaned forward. "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Why don't you shut your damn overcooked self before I rip you to shreds and throw you off a building, eh?!" Dabi gritted his teeth before slamming his foot into Bakugo's shoulder, earning only a challenging smirk from the blond.

Shigaraki sighed. "Dabi, don't hurt them. We're supposed to be recruiting people to join us, and you're making it very difficult." I groaned internally. This is going to be the third time they ask me to join.

"Well," Shigaraki began, standing up. "Let's get down to business, shall we? Bakugo and (Y/N), will you two join the League of Villains?"

I hit my head on the back of the chair. "Will you guys get the hint?! I don't want to join your stupid League! Bakugo doesn't want to either!" I retorted, Bakugo giving me a nod.

Shigaraki sighed and walked over to us. "I'll ask you aspiring heroes one more time. Will you join me?" I rolled my eyes and left the talking to Bakugo.

"If you're gonna talk in your sleep, you should just go to sleep and die." I nodded at his words and would've given him a thumbs up if I wasn't restrained.

Shigaraki did nothing but turn around and switch on the TV. Bakugo and I leaned forward, staring at the screen. Aizawa, principal Nezu, and Present Mic were at a conference, addressing the current issue live. The reporters began criticizing them, making my toes curl in frustration.

The screen went black, and Shigaraki faced us once more. "That's so strange. Why are the heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark. Is it because their job is to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect? Modern heroes are so uptight. Don't you guys think?" Shigaraki provoked, clearly trying to get us to give in or break.

Bakugo and I stayed silent as another villain spoke, "Once heroes receive compensation to protect people, they aren't heroes anymore. That is Stains teaching." I narrowed my eyes. They clearly followed Stain's rules and beliefs.

Shigaraki tilted his head. "The strange system of transforming people's lives into money or glory... the society that sticks right to those rules, the citizens who blame the losers rather than encourage them." I felt his gaze on me. "Right, (Y/N)? You would know how it feels. Our fight is to question: what is a hero? What is justice? Are we all truly just? We'll win, and everyone will think about it. You particularly, Bakugo, like winning, right?"

I shifted my eyes to Bakugo, who was still silent. "Dabi, release their restraints."

I kept my adrenaline under control and thought, 'yes Dabi, release us. It's not like we're gonna kill you or anything.' I almost laughed at Shigaraki's faith in us.

"You do know they're gonna fight us, right?" He waved Dabi's question off, then going on about how they had to treat us as equals. I tensed my shoulders, waiting for them to make their moves.

Dabi gazed at the villain beside him."Twice, you do it."

"What?! No way."

"Do it."

A man in a full-body suit stepped up to us, untying me first. I stood and rubbed my wrists which had gone red from the restraints and waited for Bakugo to be released.

"Everyone here has been restricted, whether it was because of people, rules and heroes...-" he opened his mouth to say more useless shit before Bakugo kicked the villain named Twice and released an explosion on Shigaraki.

At the same time, I used the element of surprise and kicked someone in the face, immediately standing beside Bakugo and ready to fight. "We listened quietly to your endless talking. Idiots can't get to the point, so they're always talking for a long time. Basically, you mean 'we wanna harass people, so join us,' right? Don't bother. I want to win like All Might. No matter what anyone says, that will never change!" I glanced over to him, seeing confidence and rage in his eyes.

'He really believes in All Might, huh.'

Bakugo grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my closer, whispering. "Well take out two or three of them, then escape, got it?" I nodded, focusing on my opponents.

He smirked a smirk so evil it would put any villain to shame. "Just so you guys know, we're still allowed to fight!"

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