Chapter 67

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Before I became a student at U.A. High school, I admired heroes for their bravery and way of doing things, but now there was a different perspective in play, a different definition for the word 'hero'.

What that new perspective on heroes is, I'm not sure...

But it was something that felt wrong, something that felt like it hid in the shadows with a cloak of secrets upon secrets, and a veil with dirty tricks and lies. Maybe the heroes we knew all along were nothing but a mirage, a fake image to give the people a sense of peace and security.

These thoughts came to me in the middle of my exam, and Deku's yells behind the rails of the spectating area forced me to zone back into my task. I, along with other students from various schools, was assigned a task to defeat the pretend villain, which for some reason left a sour taste in my mouth.

As if the task triggered the memories of my time with Snipe flooded into my head, reminding me of my encounter with Kurogiri the villain.

My head ached as my life flashed before my eyes, and soon enough both scenes of Bakugo and Todoroki lying on the ground drenched in blood, whether it was their blood or not sent my stomach in turmoil, and bent forward only to knock my head right into the villain's torso.

"Hey- pay attention! I'm right in front of you, this isn't a very heroic move!" I bore my pained eyes into the pretend villain with the intention of burning him alive, and thankfully he jumped back with a yelp.

Clutching my stomach I raised my arm that felt like imaginary bags were weighing it down, and I signalled a time-out. My eyes went blurry, and the scent of death was trailing me with every step and growing stronger by the second.

I exited the stadium, looking for Deku which was easy because he was looking for me too. I collapsed in his arms and the smell of death vanished in an instant along with my gruesome imaginations. "Let's get you home..."


He sighed and leaned back in his chair, the thermometer still hot in his hands. "(Y/N) you weren't even 10 minutes in the exam and you immediately fell ill," Deku adjusted the blanket when it shifted off my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I wasted your time and energy. You wasted your time and energy on me. You guys shouldn't have helped me train, it was all a waste for nothing. I'm not a hero and I can't be one." I muttered, facing my back to him.

"Don't say sorry! It's my fault really, I should have known you were still grieving with everything that's happened. But don't lose hope (Y/N), this isn't the end. I'll hold your hand, and I'll help you become a hero. I promise."

He waited for me to say something but I didn't, and he left the room without a word a peep of surprise slipping from his lips when he opened the door. His voice along with someone else's were muffled behind the door. The conversation didn't last long, and the new person came into my room.

I twisted my body around to see a middle-aged lady with pearls around her neck and horns nestled in her frizzy dark hair.

"Who are you?" I asked defensively, eyeing her with suspicion.

"Don't be so worked up, dear. 'ister Aizawa sent 'e so 'e 'ust've said so'ething. I' your therapist, to put it si'ply." Her thick accent cut out her pronunciation of the letter m.

"Yes. He told me, but I don't need a therapist, I don't want one either. And if you want to help me, then I think leaving me alone would help."

She clasped her hands together and smiled. "I see dear. Though I 'ay say that 'an is a fine gentle'en, very cute too."

She was referring to Deku and I nodded stiffly waiting for her to leave. She didn't.

The therapist continued to make conversation, asking me questions about myself and telling life stories based in the Amazon forest. I gave straight answers and didn't elaborate, trying to give her the hint to leave.

I interrupted her story with a sharp yell. "That's enough lady, I'm asking you one more time. Leave! I don't want to talk to anyone right now, this is ridiculous!" She shut her mouth and nodded, then pardoned herself before leaving my room and not bothering to close the door behind her.

I sighed and slammed the door. I made a tired note to speak to Aizawa about this. I didn't need any therapists and I certainly didn't need any help from heroes no matter who they are.

Heroes really are useless aren't they if they can't catch one villain. Mother always told me one thing and one thing only; if you want something done you have to do it yourself.

And so I switched my desk lamp on and opened my journal, the pencil scribbling itself furiously on the lined paper which didn't guide my sentences as they dipped and rose.

I'm going to capture this villain myself. I'm going to make him suffer. I'm going to do everything in my power to take him down. I'm going to kill him.

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