Chapter 4

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I was utterly petrified. The intimidation and fierce aura that flowed from him was something that I had never experienced before. Is this what being in a villains presence feels like? That question floated around my head, and I didn't catch myself breathing the word 'villain' out loud. That word caught the blonde off guard, causing him to unexpectedly take a step back, an unreadable expression washed over his features.

"Hey Bakugo, we should go don't you think?" The red-head from before placed a hand on the man called Bakugo's shoulders and smiled gently with shark-like teeth. Bakugo roughly shrugged his friend's hand off and glared at me, visibly gritting his teeth. 

"Listen here loser," he began, raising a fist and a palm and slapping them together to cause a minor explosion, his eyebrows furrowed in an aggressive manner. "Remember what you said." With that, he turned around and snatched the collar of his friends' shirt and stomped out of the diner, his friend scrambled away and tossed money on their abandoned table, and quickly flashed me an apologetic grin. 

I blinked as I process what had just occurred. I turned my head around to see a gently smiling Midoriya. "(Y/N), you alright?" 

I gulped and nodded vigorously. "Who... Who was that?" I asked, hoping Deku had an answer. 

Deku rested his cheek against his palm and slightly frowned. "Kacchan is an old... friend of mine. We grew up together, but everything changed when he got his quirk." He proceeded to tell me how he became a very proud person, and how he always thought highly of himself. I nodded and questioned Deku on why he seemed so afraid of Kacchan. 

"O-oh, he's just very intimidating is all. Besides, Kacchan is someone I look up to, someone I admire. He's someone that I want to stay on good terms with, so I try to avoid his temper tantrums, haha." I smiled at the unusual relationship they had between each other and asked another question. 

"So... His name is Kacchan? Because that redhead called him Bakugo." 

"Well, I call him Kacchan, but his name is Katsuki Bakugo." I made an o shape with my lips in understanding and stared at my forgotten plate of food. I took a small bite of the cold food and thought back to my encounter with Bakugo. 

After a few minutes, the waitress from before came and apologized to us, informing us that he is a regular customer and usually throws tantrums like this. 

"It's alright. Thank you for letting us know!" I said, smiling. We finished up and got to the cashier to pay for our order, Deku took out his wallet and opened it up. I raised a brow.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my (F/C) wallet in my hand. We both glared at each other before we both started bickering about who pays. I pushed his hand that held the wallet away from the cash register while he tried to reach for mine, but I held it away from him. 

"Let me pay! This is my treat!" I said, gritting my teeth and struggling to keep his hand away. 

"W-what do you mean? Let me pay!" He argued, trying to bring his wallet closer. I suddenly gasped and fell to the ground, clutching the sides of my waist. 

"(Y-Y/N)! What's wrong? Are you okay?!" Deku bent down, trying to help my feeble self. When he was right where I wanted him to be, I butted him in the chest with my head, causing him to fall back on the floor with an 'oomph'. I quickly picked myself up and handed the confused cashier some cash before yelling "Keep the change!" And dragging a stunned Deku out of the diner. 


"Are you serious?! Why would you do that?! And to pretend like something's wrong with you!" I ignored Deku's pestering and continued browsing the internet on my phone. 

"(Y/N), I'm talking to you!" He angrily shouted. I sighed and looked up from my seat on the subway.

"Deku, you're being loud as hell right now, people are staring, and if you don't shut up I'll get Bakugo to watch you while you sleep," I said, directing my attention back to my phone. After a few moments, there was no other sound from the male. I smiled in victory. 

He sat down beside me with a sigh. "Well, guess there's nothing I can do about it except thank you... Thanks for the meal, (Y/N). I'll repay you one day," I rolled my eyes and nodded to indicate that he was welcomed. "Anyways, what does your costume look like?" I shrugged. 

"I don't know, I haven't come up with an idea yet. It's a difficult task, bro," I said, slightly irritated at the thought of not having a costume idea. Deku placed his hands behind his head and looked up at the bright ceiling. 

"Well, you better think and fast, because school starts on Monday, this Monday." He stated plainly as if he was talking about what he had for dessert. I felt all the blood drain from my face as I looked at my friend in pure shock. 

"How do you know...?" My voice was hardly a whisper.

Deku looked at me and took my hand as he led me off the stopped train. I didn't realize it had arrived at our destination. 

"(Y/N), everything that you need to know is on the paper you should've gotten."

"There is nothing else on it aside from the acceptance part..." 

"It's on the back of the sheet, dummy!" 

I stopped in my tracks, a dumb expression on my face. 

"Ok, I'm running home, I gotta go, so I'll see you on Monday!" I shouted, thrusting a hand in the air and waving at Deku while running down the street. 


Quick announcement! I know that my descriptive and writing skills need a lot of work, and almost every day I'm trying to improve my writing skills so that you guys can have a better reading experience! Which I why updates will be slower and my writing style may change. Overall, I hope you guys are enjoying the story, and please let me know how I can improve my writing skills! :)

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