Chapter 5

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I stepped off the bus and through the security gate where U.A. High school awaited me. The building towered over me, its glass windows reflected the hot sun, making it look as if it was built this very day. My legs turned to jelly as I directed my gaze towards the entrance of the school. No amount of training could prepare me for the emotions I felt at that moment; a million thoughts swimming around my head. 

"Oof!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I stumbled forward from an impact behind. I turned around to see Deku who had his hand on his shaking head, frowning. 

"Deku!" I wrapped my arms around him then pulled away. 

"Hey (Y/N)! Sorry for running into you, I tripped over my own feet," he said apologetically. I brushed it off, every worrying thought I had before gone from my mind. I was just glad to see him. We both headed inside together and started making our way to Class 1-A. I recalled the day where I got Deku's message when he said he too was in the same class as I am, Class 1-A and how happy we both were. 

As we stepped inside, I couldn't help but let my jaw drop. The school seemed bigger inside than it was outside, and people with different types of Quirks roamed the halls, catching my full attention.

"(Y/N), please stop staring at everything and everyone you see, we gotta go or else you're gonna make us late!" Deku said, tugging me away from a group of interesting second years. 

"S-sorry Deku... Hey, looks like this is our class!" I pointed out and we stopped in front of a very large and tall door with 1-A written on it in bold, magenta letters. I took a deep breath, ready to start my first year at U.A. High school. I gripped the handle and slid the door open. 

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" 


"Don't you think it's rude?!" 

"Nope! Go back to whatever junior high you came from, side character!" 

I blinked and looked at Deku, who seemed just as taken aback as I was. I focused my gaze back to the two bickering students and lightly gasped. The familiar spiky blonde hair and red eyes reminded me of who one was. Bakugo peered towards the door. Once his red eyes landed on my (E/C) ones, his smirk faltered.

"It's you!" We both simultaneously said. My blood boiled as I furrowed my brows, clenched my jaw,  and held onto the straps of my backpack, squeezing the straps rather tightly until my knuckles went white. I then roughly grabbed Deku's hand and stomped towards two empty desks where I tossed my backpack next to my chair and sat down. Deku did the same and flashed me a worried look before sitting down in front of me. Ahead of Deku was Bakugo, and I could clearly see Bakugo with an irked expression through his body language. 'I guess he too isn't happy about me in the same classroom. Well, that makes both of us' I thought sternly. 

"What the hell is that?!" Someone yelled, and I looked to the front of the classroom where an oversized yellow caterpillar lay. I tensed up as a feeling of aversion coursed through my body, sweeping all feelings of anger away. I looked at the oversized caterpillar and nearly gagged; if there is something I hate the most, it's insects.

"Good morning, I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa." I breathed out a sigh of relief when a scruffy looking man crawled out of what now appeared to be a sleeping bag. 

'Wow, thank goodness, it's just a man in a sleeping bag... Wait, what?' I quirked an eyebrow. Who the heck was this guy?

"I know this is sudden, but put these on and head on outside for a Quirk assessment test," Aizawa said plainly before pulling out gym clothes for each of us. An atmosphere of muddledness hovered throughout the whole class.

'Quirk assessment test?!'


I stood in the middle of the swarm of students out in the hot sun, shifting my weight to one foot and the other, my fingers dancing nervously by my side. I bit my lip, expecting the worst out of the assessment, but hoping for the best. I scanned through the mass of students for my green haired friend when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to the hand, then its owner. 

"A-Aizawa Sensei?" I stammered. He pulled me away from the other students and out of earshot.

"(Y/N) (L/N), correct?" He asked and I nodded.

"Quirkless, correct?" Another nod. 

"I will be assessing you easier than the other students due to the fact that you're Quirkless" He stated. I bit my lip and directed my gaze to the ground, ashamed of myself. "The school knows that it is best for your 'secret' to be hidden from the students, which is why only the teachers know," he continued. I looked up at him. 

"Aizawa Sensei?" 


"Can you... Can you assess me like the others? Please? I know that not having a Quirk makes me weaker and puts me at a disadvantage, but I'd like to try knowing that I'm equal to everyone else. When you're a hero, life won't give you an easier route out of things, nor will you be given a free card in a fight with a villain, which is why I'd like to think I have a power like every other student, with or without a Quirk." I said strongly. 

Aizawa Sensei stared at me for a few moments before scribbling something down on his clipboard. I held my breath, waiting for his response.

"Alright then. But if you do need help in anything at all, feel free to come to me, alright (Y/N)?" I nodded and bowed respectfully before stiffly walking away and exhaling. 

"(Y/N), hey!" I peered through my classmates to see my curly haired friend waving a hand high in the air. I smiled and jogged up to him. Before we could say anything to each other, Aizawa called for everyone's attention. I turned towards the sound of his voice but couldn't see anything due to a taller classmate standing in front of me. I huffed and craned my neck and stood on my toes, trying to see past the red-and-white haired male. 

I tapped on his shoulder. "Excuse me, I can't see anything. Do you mind..." I trailed off when I noticed an ice block forming underneath me from the heterochromia eyed male and rising me up a few feet. I almost slipped off but quickly regained my balance, then glanced back at him. He had his hair covering the side of his face, obscuring my view from him. I stood up straight and whispered thanks, then directed my concentration towards my teacher. 

Soon after hearing Aizawa Sensei talk, we began the test. We formed a semi-circle around a white spray painted circle in the ground where jerk face- I mean, Bakugo, stood with a ball in one hand. Aizawa gave him a nod and Bakugo pulled his arm back, muscles rippling as he prepared to launch the ball as far as he could. A smirk was visible as he flung his arm forward, his upper body propelling forward as an explosion from his hand boosted the ball into the air, all while shouting 'Die!' 

I watched as the ball travelled through the air and hit the ground, my jaw hung open and my eyes were wider than saucers. I was beyond impressed with everything about his performance, his timing, the use of his Quirk, everything! 

"Stop staring creep!" I jumped when I noticed Bakugo standing a few feet away from me, a sly but irritated look plastered on his features. I huffed and looked away, balling my fists in annoyance. 

Aizawa caught my eye and jerked his head to the circle where Bakugo stood. I gulped, realizing it was my turn. I stood in the centre of the circle with the ball in my hand, warm from the last use. I licked my lips and focused all my energy into strengthening my arms. 

I adjusted myself to a position where I could get the most force into the ball. 

Looking ahead, I bit my lip, ready to show the six years of hard training I had to endure to get into this school. 

I pulled my arm back. 

And threw. 

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