Chapter 14

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It was days before school resumed and we began homeroom surprisingly with Aizawa, who was still covered in bandages from head to toe. He explained how the U.A. sports festival was soon, and how this is a chance for us to be noticed by pro-heroes. Of course, we all had our concerns since there was a villain attack not too long ago. Aizawa reassured us, and told us to focus on our selves. It calmed us down, and soon, it was lunch time. 

I left homeroom for lunch with Deku, Iida, and Uraraka. The subject of heroes came up, and soon, Deku asked me a question.

"Why did you decided to come to U.A. and become a hero?" Deku asked.

I looked down, an answer formed in my mind. 

'Because I want to inspire those who don't have Quirks or the abilities to become a hero...' I answered internally, before I was snapped back to reality when Deku waved a hand in my face. 

"Sorry about that. I guess that's an answer I've never really thought of before, aha!" I lied.

I stared at their blank faces. "I-I know it's not an answer you'd expect, sorry!" 

"Don't be sorry (Y/N), it's alright if you do not have an answer." Iida said, which I smiled and changed the conversation. It was only Iida and Uraraka with me since Deku left with All Might for lunch. We stood in line for food, and I asked Uraraka to save a spot for me since I needed to use the restroom. 

"(Y/N)." I turned around and looked down the silent, empty hallway, searching for the person that had said my name. 

"Hmph, weird... AAH! Todoroki! Jeez, don't scare me like that!" I said, placing my hand on my chest, wondering where he came from. 

"Sorry..." He said. I asked him if he needed something. 

"Yes, I do. Tell me (Y/N), what is your Quirk?" He said, taking a step closer to me. I froze.

"My-my Quirk? Well, I-I...What brought this on?" I looked away from him, desperately searching for some excuse. 

"You're Quirkless." I looked at the male. 

"What-what makes you think that?" I asked. He leaned in closer. I gulped. 

"During the U.S.J attack, you were in a situation where you had to fight. Anyone in their right mind would think to use their Quirk. You, didn't, which makes me consider that you are either Quirkless, or you are trying to keep your Quirk a secret, which you don't seem like the type of person to do that." 

I tried to slow myself down, tried to come up with some half-assed excuse, tried to show no emotions that wouldn't give myself away, but it was no use. 

"Todoroki, I really need to use the restroom, so if you wouldn't mind-" I tried to go around him, as my destination was only down the hall, but he stopped me and grabbed my arm. I looked at him.

"You are Quirkless, aren't you?" It was no use. I hung my head and slowly nodded.

"Now you're gonna make fun of me, aren't you? You're going to tell the class, and expose me, and remind me everyday how worthless I am, I stupid I am for thinking I cou-" 

"OI! HALF-AND-HALF BASTARD!" Surprised, I looked up to see an angry Bakugo storming down the hall, red eyes glaring not at me, but at Todoroki. 

"What do you think you're doing to her?" He sneered. He no longer had a hunch and was standing straight. I felt Todoroki let go of me and face the blonde. He was one inch taller than Bakugo, but that was the least of my worries. 

"I'm not doing anything, just talking. This is none of your business." Todoroki said calmly, crossing his arms.

"As if I didn't see the way you grabbed her arm..." Bakugo raised his palms, and I quickly held both his hands. His hands were warm.

"Baku-Bakugo, please. It's-it's nothing, really. Todoroki was just asking me something, nothing special and nothing to worry about." I said, silently pleading for him to go away. 

"(Y/N)... I- listen here bastard, if you ever lay a finger on (Y/N), then you'll seriously get one hell of a beating!" He pulled away from my grasp and walked away. I let out a sigh of relief, then faced him once again. 

A silence draped over head of us, and I grabbed the hem of my skirt, tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. 

"Why didn't you tell Bakugo? You could've told him, yet you didn't. Why?" I asked. 

I  felt a hand on my shoulder, and I lifted my head. "Why would you think I would do something like that? It's obviously something that someone would want to keep a secret." My mouth opened in shock. 

"So... You promise to keep it a secret?" I asked. He nodded. I stood up straight and blinked away the tears. 

"Pinky promise?" I said, extending my pinky. He looked at it with confusion. 

"What's that?" I chuckled and grabbed his hand, then linked his pinky with mine. 

"This is a pinky promise, a promise to never be broken!" A rare smile was on his lips as I squeezed his pinky. 

"Do you, Todoroki, promise to keep my secret- and to be my friend?" I quickly added in the last part, which made him chuckle. 

"(Y/N), I promise." 

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora