Chapter 58

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I blinked, trying to get the black dots that spotted my vision out of my eyes as that one word circled around my head as if taunting me and printed itself on my brain.

"Heh, Aizawa that's not funny." I pressed my lips together, trying to keep a smile on my face, my eyes burning with non-existent tears. My chest started collapsing in on itself as I breathed heavily, and my body went numb after realizing that Aizawa really wasn't joking. No chuckle or slap on the knee saying that it was a prank, no hidden camera with Bakugo behind it saying that he was messing with me, nothing.

Unexpectedly, there were no tears that fell from my eyes.

I almost fell to my knees but Todoroki caught me, stroking my head in a comforting manner. There was no way that he's gone... he was just here this morning.

"Aizawa, wait." My voice was surprisingly calm for the anxiety attack I was having, and I stared right into his dark eyes. "I want to see him." He gave me a sympathetic glance before shaking his head and leaving the gym.

A familiar voice entered my head, and I ripped myself away from Todoroki's hold. 'Look for him. Look for him, (Y/N). Maybe he's here.' I nodded at the little voices words and sprinted out of the gym, my ears ignoring Deku and Todoroki's calls.

I ran down the corridor, up the stairs and to Bakugo's room, jiggling to door handle before realizing it was locked. With all of my fear and adrenaline, I shoved myself in the door and broke it down immediately. I started frantically going through his room.

Nothing in the bathroom. Nothing in the closet. Nothing in or under his bed.

'Somewhere else.' I ran out of his room, looking in the kitchen first where Mina and Momo we're discussing something.


"(Y/N)?" I ignored them and ran to the lounging room, hoping to see him slouched on the couch or insulting someone from across the room. Nothing.

'Outside.' I pumped my legs and swung the doors outside, ignoring once again the calls of the heroes that were stationed at the exit for security.

'Think. Where would they be right after coming back from a battle? Yes, infirmary.' The main infirmary was stationed in the school, and I ran as fast as my legs could carry me there, ignoring the cold sweat and tightness that took over my throat.

Down the halls and up the stairs, I made it to the infirmary and slid the door open. I shifted around, pulling curtains away that shielded the bed from others all of which were empty except for the next one.

I ripped the next one away and pressed my hand to my mouth as the sight and smell of his body made my stomach spin. "...Kirishima... what ha-ppened?" The redhead laid there drenched in god-knows-who's blood, barely breathing with the help of a machine that connected his body to multiple tubes and needles.

Each breath looked like it would rip his soul from his body, and the bruises that scattered his skin didn't make it any better. I almost had to turn away when I caught sight of a bone piercing through his skin from his arm. Nonetheless, he was with Bakugo and I had to ask him.

I extended a finger and poked his cheek, softly calling out his name. He slowly opened his eyes or tried to as one was swollen shut, then looked at me with a glazed eye. "...(Y/N)?"

"Kirishima... you really don't look good. I-I have a question. You need to answer, okay? It's simple." He only blinked, and I didn't have time to figure out if he understood my question or not because I heard people outside of the infirmary.

"Where's Bakugo?" I said it as loud and clear as I could, and it took a second for him to process what I said before another layer of pain clouded over his eye. He let out a small sigh and closed his eye.


An invisible knife of pain buried itself in my chest, and I opened my mouth to repeat the question until two large people grabbed me from behind, other pro heroes entering the room. I struggled, kicked and screamed but they wouldn't let me go.

"No! I need to find him! Let me go!" Aizawa was among them, speaking to another teacher. I screamed at him, but it was no use as he wouldn't even look at me in the eye.

I immediately took advantage of their grip that loosened on me and tore my arm away fast enough to elbow one of them in the face. I wanted to escape, and I wiggled between everything to exit the infirmary. Rushing down the halls and out the exit of the school, I had no idea where I was going but I knew I had to be alone. I wanted to be alone with Bakugo.

My chest was burning with pain, and I planted heavily when I slowed down and walked on a familiar sidewalk. I hugged myself, trying to find comfort in the rain and darkness that shrouded the sky. The cold numbed me, and my head was empty. I felt like I had lost a piece of me.

I unconsciously entered a building and huddled in the corner, the bare concrete feeling comfortable. I duly noted that I ended up in the training area, but I couldn't care less and closed my eyes.

I started dozing off before my brain felt like it experienced an electric shock and I sat up with wide eyes. The nightmare I had suddenly became vivid, and I remembered every detail.

The yellow flash was Bakugo, and the splash of red was... blood. I gripped on my hair and rocked back and forth, trying to get the memory out of my head. I tugged harder on my head before the pain replaced the nightmare. I pulled my hands away strands of (H/C) hair wrapped around and in between my fingers.

Letting out a shaky breath, I lay on my side until my mind shut down, the rain pattering outside was the last thing I heard.

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora