Chapter 64

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I heard a light gasp as he shot right past the window, unable to stop quickly as he was going too fast. I was on the second floor so I didn't take much fall damage, the glass on the other hand only gave me cuts and scraps on my face.

I tumbled on the floor before I eased onto my feet, surprised shouts coming from the security officers that were stationed at the front gate.

A similar scenario was at play when Bakugo passed away, only this time I had a chance of saving Todoroki... if I could catch up to him. I didn't know when the group left, or where the battlefield is taking place. I conjured up a plan, I just had to put it in motion.

"Stop! Please!" Deku was back on my tail, and I had had two options: shake him off again and keep going, or let him chase me. If I lost him I'd lose time, but if I continued to run then I'd most likely catch Todoroki in time, I'd save him.

I chose to keep running. His Quirk helped him reach me in just less than a minute, and he zoomed right into my back, causing both of us to go tumbling forward. We both had adrenaline coursing through us so there was little pain.

I managed to pin Deku down before he could, and I stared him down. "Go away Deku. I can't lose time right now."

"(Y/N) you don't understand. I have to stop you, you're not ready to fight Keres! You could get killed, I don't want to lose you!"

"And I don't want to lose Todoroki! Now get the hell out of my way so that I can save him! I don't want to lose him like I lost Bakugo..." I held the tears back as I didn't want to cry right now. I had to focus on getting him back.

"So get out of my way Deku," I growled, my face inches away from his.

"I'm going to hold you back, I can't let you throw yourself in battle like that!"

"That's not it! I'm trying to save him, save him from the same danger that killed Bakugo!" In a fit of anger, I raised a fist and shot it down only for it to be stopped by Deku's hand. Without the help of his Quirk, Deku and I are close in strength, and we were silent as his hand and my fist competed.

I grunted furiously and quickly rolled off of him, running for a few seconds before he darted and pinned me down flat, my belly pressed firmly on the ground.

I clawed at the ground, trying to get him off of me but he wouldn't budge. Even rolling to my side didn't work as his knees dug deep into the ground, barely reacting to my struggles.

The edge of my vision went red as I started to realize that he had me cornered, "Deku! Get the fuck off of me now!" I felt him shift a little due to my outburst, but even that didn't help me; I had to target his weak spot.

"I won't forgive you if Todoroki dies."

'Yes, guilt-trip him.'

"I'll blame his death on you."

'It's working (Y/N), keep going.'

"I'll make sure that everyone knows you're the one that killed Shoto Todoroki!"


His entire weight was flung off of me, and I scrambled back to my feet. He stepped back with a wild look in his eyes.

"(Y/N)... what you just said... go." He spoke strongly, but I knew my words got to him. Without saying anything I turned and ran. Disregarding what just happened I made the quick decision to go to the city where the last battle was fought.

I had to get a lead, so I went around with frantic eyes asking every local whether they saw a group of heroes heading somewhere.

It wasn't until I got to an old woman who had a small dog on a leash did I get an answer. "Have you seen a large group of heroes heading anywhere?"

Her wrinkled eyes that were magnified by her glasses blinked slowly before she pointed to a road in a sloth-like manner. "Ah, yes dear. I saw them go that way..." I nodded without saying thank you and ran, ran without apologizing to everyone I bumped into and ignoring that mother's angry voice when I accidentally shoved a small child down.

I stayed on that road, suddenly noticing how dark it's gotten. I didn't care though. It was a few more minutes until I saw something reflective and large stick out from the sides of a skyscraper. Once I got to the foot of the building did I realize that it was ice, and the water from it was leaking, meaning that there was a battle close. And I was too late.

Severe anxiety blurred my vision as I rounded the building and came face to face with a war zone- or what looked like it. There was no fighting or any flash of Quirks in the air or ground, there was nothing but disaster and blood... a ton of it.

Todoroki was definitely here as there was melting ice encasing buildings and surrounded almost everything. It looked like he tried to hit something, which he probably tried to hit the villain.

"Hey! Who are you?" Instinctively I threw my hands in the air and turned around, squinting my eyes as a flashlight blinded me. It was lowered once the person holding it realized that I wasn't a threat, and I too lowered my hands.

"Snipe..." My voice was cold as I took in the pro heroes' appearance. It was as if he was dragged through hell and back as he was painted with blood, both dried and fresh and mixed with his torn clothing. He walked with a limp and got closer to me, giving me a view of his broken mask which revealed his skin and eye.

"(Y/N)... shouldn't you be in the dorms? It's way past curfew and it's dangerous here. Go back."

I stood my ground and got straight to the point with a hostile tone. "Not without Todoroki. Where is he?"

I was slightly surprised as he complied and pointed to the other side of the battlefield, a silhouette of someone hunched over something. My feet grew heavy and crunched the debris as I slowly made my way over there, the metallic scent of blood sent me into a nauseous state.

"...hello?" I was a few feet away from the person, and the moonlight provided enough light for me to get a decent view of them. A woman looked over her shoulder at me with tired eyes, a glow of white in front of her.

Gulping, my legs started to feel weak shake as I got a view of what- or who she was hunched over, and my stomach was sent into turmoil as I saw who it was.

"Todoroki... NO!"

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now