Chapter 10

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The bus ride was currently silent. Everyone made awkward glances at one another, and after a few more awkward moments, Tsu broke the silence with a croak, "Midoriya, your Quirk is like All Might's" I glanced at Deku for his response, and he seemed caught off guard. 

"But All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his Quirk" Kirishima said. 

"Well, they are both power-types, so maybe that's why they're similar?" I put in. Deku nodded nervously.

"You can do all kinds of flashy stuff. But a Quirk like mine isn't much." The red-head said, activating his Quirk with his arm.

"What are you talking about? It's the first time I see your Quirk up close, and it's amazing Kirishima!" I said, trying to encourage my classmate. 

"Heh, thanks (Y/N)! Though, no one's seen you're Quirk. You're so strong and smart, you don't need to use it yet! Although, what is your Quirk?"

"I, uh... Well, talking about flashy and strong Quirks, take Bakugo and Todoroki for example!" I said, talking quickly and trying to change the subject. 

"Well, Bakugo's always mad, so he won't be that popular." Tsu croaked, catching the blonde's attention. 

"His personality is basically crap in sewage," Kaminari said casually.

I pressed my lips together, trying to not to laugh, but Bakugo noticed. 

"DO YOU BOTH WANT TO DIE!?" I looked at Kaminari, and we both burst out laughing. We gradually stopped when Aizawa announced our arrival to the class.

As we entered the large doors, A marshmallow-looking hero greeted us. "Hello everyone" The pro-hero Thirteen stood before us. My toes curled in excitement, and I grabbed onto the nearest person beside me, shaking their shoulders.

"IT'S. FREAKING. THIRTEEN. OH. MY. GOSH." I then realized I was shaking Todoroki. He looked slightly confused, but smiled softly when we made eye contact. 

I pulled my hands away quickly. "Ack- sorry, Todoroki." He shrugged. Thirteen was about to explain something when the lights began flickering, then shut down. Confused, I detected movement in the corner of my eye. A whirl of purple and black spun in front of the center fountain. 

"Has it already started?" Kirishima asked.

"Don't move." The seriousness in Aizawa's voice told me that this was nothing normal, that these people were...

'Those are... Those are... Villains.' It seemed like the whole class shared my exact thoughts.

Goosebumps traced my body as villains of all Quirks and sizes pooled out of the whirl. I saw Aizawa getting his gear ready for battle, which calmed me down a bit, knowing that he can take them out... right?

"Why aren't the security sensors working?" Momo asked.

"They... They must have someone who can warp" I said, analyzing the situation carefully. "It's only possible for them to escape the sensors if they have someone who's Quirk is like that." The class understood my explanation. 

I felt my heart jump when Aizawa launched into battle, fear of losing my teacher tugged at me. Thirteen began leading the group towards the exit. 

"Deku, come on! This is no time to watch!" I said, tugging on his arm.

"R-right..." As we just caught up with the group, the same whorl appeared from the ground and formed into a ghost-like figure before us, and began speaking. 

The only words I caught were 'League of villains', 'All Might' and 'Last breath.' That was enough to scare the crap out of me. 

It's beyond terrifying. The moment when evil stands before you, towering over and making you feel as though you're helpless. The daunting power they have over you. They can take your life away in a snap, as if you're as fragile as a feather. 

The villain was about to take action before Kirishima and Bakugo jumped in, activating their Quirks and attacked. The villain was unscathed.

Without warning,  A wall of purple and black encased the group, and a harsh wind lashed at me. I blocked my face with my arms, before realizing that most of the group began vanishing through thin air. Before I could process it, I felt arms wrap around my waist and drag me out of the warp. 

A few of my remaining classmates stood behind me as we watched the swirling menace. 

"Run to the school and tell them what's happening!" Thirteen ordered to Iida. 

"But it would be-" Iida began. With wild eyes, I got up, spun on my heel, and gripped his costume. 

"Listen, we are going to DIE if you don't get you butt out of here, and fast. Use your Quirk in order to save others! Use it!" I stepped back, all hope on getting everyone out of this situation rode on Iida's shoulders. He eventually got the message and nodded. Activating his Quirk, he ran. 

I watched him go. 'You can do it, Iida.' 


I think my writing got better. Hopefully it did. 

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now