Chapter 40

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If Momo wasn't kind-hearted, I wouldn't know what I would've done without her and her shield. It was easy to understand the nature and intentions of our attackers; since we had our fights broadcasted all over the country, everyone's Quirks were exposed, to hitch made us easy targets.

Another fact dawned on me, and the fact that almost all the enemy's eyes were on me meant one thing: I was Quirkless, so I was assumed to be the weakest.

I balled my fists, my anxiety dissolving into pure anger. If that's what they really thought, they were underestimating me. I'll show them!

I held a ball on my hand, about to attack when a strong vibration shook the ground, causing it to explode and break apart. I held onto whatever I could to stabilize myself, but lost my grip and began falling at an alarming rate.

The ground rushed up to meet me, and I dived towards it along with other pieces of rock and concrete. The impact was hard, hard enough for me to cough up blood as I lay there on my back, grateful for the dust that provided me coverage that allowed me to catch my breath. I panted heavily, my lungs feeling as thought they shrunk to the size of raisins.

I couldn't give away my position, so I lifted a hand to my mouth, trying to cover my breaths as the dust beginning to settle. I realized that that attack was meant to separate the class so that we were defenceless by ourselves. I had to get out of here and regroup. I propped myself on my elbows about to stand before a heavy weight settled on my legs.

The fear settled in as a boulder large enough to keep my legs trapped stared back at me. I couldn't feel any pain, and I assumed the boulder was heavy enough just to keep my legs under and not break them. But if I couldn't move, I'd be an easy target than I already was.

I racked my brain for ideas and found one. I scanned the area for a poll or some rod to stick under the boulder and lift it off, but I found nothing but rubble.

"Quick, find her! The Quirkless one should be around here somewhere!" I stiffened and kept my breathing under control as an unrecognizable voice sounded from over the rocks.

"Heh, she should be an easy target!" Another voice said. I clenched my teeth, wondering what the hell I should do to avoid getting hit. A crazy thought popped in my head, but I hesitated. Breaking the boulder punch by punch was an option, but that would give away my position for sure.

I thought for a few more seconds before getting another idea that would make the first one work. I held a pebble between my fingers and aimed it in the opposite direction, my breath hitching in my throat when I heard footsteps approach. Pulling back my index finger, I flicked the pebble as far as I could.

"Hey, I think she's over there! I heard something!" The footsteps ran off in the opposite direction, and I inwardly sighed in relief. Balling my fists, I prepared for the pain that would practically kill my hands.

With a growl I punched the boulder. First it was dust, then pieces, then chunks, it reduced to half of its size by the time the footsteps of the previous pursuers was heard again, and I rolled it off and got to my feet, wobbling slightly. My legs weren't broken, but they were definitely bruised, and my fists were in much worse condition, the rough surface of the rock was enough to make my knuckles bleed and send a river of red across my hand.

"Guys, I found her!" I lifted my eyes to see a group of three people standing on the cluster of rocks, the orange balls in their hands. Their eyes gleamed with over confidence, and I smirked. The chunks and pieces from the boulder just came in use to me as I gathered them in my arms and tossed them in the air, immediately running to throw off their aim.

"Where'd she go?" I smirked, my back pressed against the wall just enough to get out of their field of vision.

"Look over there!" I wouldn't let them run off, and I held four balls between my fingers. I jumped back and used my grappling hook to hoist myself in front of them, the element of surprise was right on my side. I threw the balls at the three, but frowned when only two of them hit a target point.

"Sh-she got me!"

"Me too! Crap!" I crouched and stared at where the balls hit. There were already two red targets on both boys, and my balls happened to hit the last of them, making it three red targets.

I passed the first round.

"57 people have now passed... can you all hurry it up?" A tired voice blared through the intercoms.

A smaller voice reached my ears which came from the target pads on my body telling me to go to the waiting room.

I slumped forward and sighed, dragging my feet to the waiting room. The previous doubt I had faded away and was replaced with confidence, but worry for my classmates also settled in.

That's when I realized it was all luck that got me through the first round, and I would have to hope that it was still by my side when I enter the next few rounds.

Maybe I really wasn't good enough, and all this time it was luck that got me through everything. Balling my fists, I couldn't care less about the pain when my wounds broke open again, and I entered the waiting room and sat down on a green couch, ignoring the curious stares of those around it.

Yeah, it really all was just pure luck...

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