Chapter 36

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Deku and the others immediately dragged us to a crowded area, trying to blend in. Deku pulled out his phone and informed Todoroki on the situation, telling him that the rescue was a success.

"Listen. You didn't rescue me, okay? You all just happened to be the best escape route." Bakugo said. I rolled my eyes and faced Deku, who already had his eyes on me.

I jumped into his arms and squeezed him tightly. "Thank you for saving me, Midoriya." He tensed up and gulped, shocked that I used his last name and not his nickname.

He eased up, his adrenaline calming down before he pulled me in tighter, shutting his eyes and running a hand through my hair. "I'm so glad you're safe... I'm so glad..." He started to shake, he must've been really worried about us. "The-the villain took you and I thought I lost you and I got so worried. I'm so sorry I could've saved you, I could have reached out for you but I-"

"Deku! Deku, breathe." He nodded, trying to hide the tears that were welling in his eyes. "I'm okay. It's not your fault- it's no one's fault. Please, you don't have to worry anymore," I smiled softly, cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears away with my thumb. A throat was cleared behind us, and I looked over my shoulder to see Bakugo with his arms crossed, glaring at Deku.

We both turned red, and I pulled away with a cough, giving him a reassuring look before my attention was focused on the big news screen, capturing the battle against All Might and the villain.

A vicious blow landed on the hero, and I winced. The symbol of peace seemed like it was wavering like it was becoming fragile. Was it time? Time for the symbol to fall? To send the superhero society crumbling? That would be interesting... not like I wanted it to happen!

The camera zoomed in, making everyone gasp with shock. A skinny man with hollow cheeks and sunken eyes now replaced the image of the muscular and smiling hero, a weak-looking fist stretched out.

A rough hand slipped and gripped mine, Bakugo breathing heavily as he watched his hero fight for him, for everyone. The hope and encouragement that flowed off of the crowd were immense, and I couldn't help but feel those emotions too.

I gritted my teeth and took a step forward. "All Might, win!" A reaction rippled through the crowd as everyone began shouting at the screen, still placing their hopes in All Might. Even Bakugo yelled 'win' with passion.

"What the hell..." The camera zoomed out, revealing the villain and his crazed arm, which somehow became large and looked horrifying. Deku and Bakugo both began rambling on encouragement for the hero. I could practically feel their energy and hope towards the hero so... why didn't I feel the same energy and enthusiasm? Sure I respected and looked up to him, even when I was a kid, but maybe I didn't want him to... no! I glared at the screen and yelled with my friends, my mind fuzzy with mixed feelings and thoughts.

The battle was tense and emotional for a lot of people. With a final punch with a fist that seemed to glow, All Might ended the villain and punched him to the ground. He won. The bloody battle was over. The superhero won. 

"The villain stopped moving! Victory for All Might!" The report yelled, and it sounded like everyone in the country blasted with joy and happiness, raising their arms in the air.

"P-Plus Ultra! That was amazing!" I yelled, others repeating the same popular phrase. The celebration lasted long and continued to go even after the screen flicked to the wreck of the buildings and showing the other heroes working to save the citizens that got caught up in the battle.

Kirishima turned to Bakugo. "Since we can't meet with Momo or Todoroki right now, we still have to tell and report to the heroes about Bakugo and (Y/N). Midoriya, you can cal Todoroki and tell him to meet us at the police station, right?" Deku nodded while Bakugo shoved his way to the front, silently agreeing with the redheads' statement, everyone else following before we stopped in our tracks and faced the screen again, All Might once again in view, pointing to the camera as the sun began rising.

"Next... it's your turn." Those few words sent another burst of energy from the crowd, people cheering the heroes name even louder than before, and sent a waterfall of tears from Deku's eyes.

"Hey hey, don't cry! It's okay! Everything's okay." He nodded, rubbing his tears that seemed to be never-ending.

Bakugo huffed and glared at me before his eyes widened. "(Y/N), what the hell?!" He grabbed my arm and brought it near his face, inspecting the knife lodged into my arm. The adrenaline from the recent events finally died down, and I hissed in pain, my forearm throbbing.

He inspected my wound, which I forgot was even there and growled. "I can't pull it out, or you'll lose a lot of blood. I'll take you to get it treated." He lowered his voice and loomed over me, "Just stay by my side, alright?" I nodded, wincing when someone bumped into my arm.

We arrived at the police station, and I caught a glimpse of Todoroki and Momo standing around. I was about to go to them before I was dragged by Bakugo and some policemen inside the building. I figured I would have to greet them later.

They treated me before they questioned me, but the process hurt like hell, as they had to slowly pull out the blade to avoid scraping any vital spots, then put a stinging ointment on it before wrapping my arm in gauze, Bakugo stayed beside me the whole time.

The questioning was simple and easy, as Bakugo answered most of the questions, with a few directed at me. Eventually, they let us go, and I ran to Todoroki who looked anxious.

"Are you okay? Who injured you? What's their name?" He uttered, the string of questions making me dizzy.

"Whoa, don't worry. I'll tell you everything later, okay?" He smiled slightly and nodded, his face changing to worry as I yawned.

"Let's get your home. You must be tired." As he led me away with a hand on my back, he glanced over his shoulder to see Bakugo huffing, glaring at the both of us.

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now