Chapter 62

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I lay the dandelion on top of the tombstone while tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, the sun shining brightly over head. "I tried something new today, an explosion berry muffin. I never had one before and it was really tasty and sweet and it reminded me of you." I paused, thinking of something else I should say.

It had been almost a month since Bakugo's funeral, and right now I was at his grave which was surprisingly close to the school. Wilted and fresh flowers surrounded the grave, swaying gently in the breeze. I still greatly missed Bakugo, almost everything around me reminded me of him but I held my head high. I will always miss Bakugo, but I knew that I had to move on and keep on living.

Every day since I visited Bakugo's grave, and since we were still under lockdown because of the Keres situation, I had a hero escort me there every time, and usually it would be Todoroki or Deku, and today Todoroki was with me.

"Oh! I also helped your mother finish moving everything out of your room and back to your house. It's pretty empty in there but it still has your scent, the scent of caramel. If you're wondering, everyone in class 1-A is doing well and we're learning something new in social class. I also-" Todoroki put his hand on my shoulder, then tapped his wrist. My time was up.

I sighed and nodded, getting to my feet and brushing the dirt off my knees. I hated the fact that I had a time limit, but I figured it was understandable. "Well Bakugo, looks like I gotta go now. I'll visit you tomorrow, I promise!"

I smiled at the tombstone and walked away with Todoroki, the same pebble of sadness sinking in my chest. I never got a response from speaking to the tombstone, but I always had the fantasy of Bakugos voice suddenly emerging from somewhere and speaking back to me. It was a silly fantasy, but I always had hope.

"(Y/N), I'm really glad you're back to your old self." I smiled and hooked my arm with Todoroki's.

"I'm glad too. I'm sorry, I was probably a burden to you guys for being all depressed and whiny." He immediately shook his head.

"Everyone goes through grief, so that was completely normal. It is your way of coping with the loss of someone precious to you. I know that people cannot come back from the dead, but I believe that Bakugo knows and hears what you say to him everyday. Maybe he's not here physically, but he's always with you, I know it."

I paused, catching sight of a small purple flower blossoming from between the cobblestone path. I bent and plucked it from the ground, then placed it behind Todoroki's ear. "I never knew you had a spiritual side to you, Todoroki!" I joked, chuckling when he looked confused as to why he had a flower on his head.

"I'm not so sure myself. My mother told me all of this, she believes in many things and this was one of them." He twirled the flower between his fingers then tucked it behind my ear, smiling gently.

We arrived back at the dorms, and I wanted to ask Todoroki if he wanted to spend time with me until he left my side and walked over to Aizawa who had an important looking paper in one hand, gesturing Todoroki over with the other. I frowned, but understood as he probably had important things to do.

I too had training scheduled in the gym since the next test for the provisional license was coming up in two weeks, so I had to cram in as much training as a I could, and with the help of Deku and Todoroki it made my training easier and faster.

And now here I was, training with the same equipment Todoroki and Deku surprised me with. "(Y/N), remember to put more tension in your thigh! That's where most of your power will come from, so put more power into it!" Deku instructed, which I nodded and continued to train despite the sweat rolling down my face.

Every day I dedicated my spare time to improve myself, and everyday I grew stronger mentally and physically. After Bakugo's death I was miserable and had no appetite all the time, but now I moved on and felt better- not that I forgot Bakugo or just ignored the situation, but I managed to heal. I still missed him dearly and had him on my mind 24/7, but it was getting better.

I finished training and took a shower, then stepped out into the hallway in surprise as it was way past midnight. We were supposed to be in our rooms by now because of the curfew, but I needed to take a walk and if I encountered a teacher I'd go back.

The bright moonlight gave my (H/C) hair a silver tone, and I stopped to open one of the windows to let a cool breeze in. I took a deep breath and rested my arms on the ledge, staring up at the sky. There were no clouds that blocked the shining stars the only thing accompanying them in the dark sky was the moon.

"Bakugo... how is it up there?" I whispered. "Are you happy? Do you think I'm doing a good job?" I waited stupidly for a response that never came, and I sighed before turning away and heading back to my room.

I paused and spun around, convinced that I heard multiple voices speaking from somewhere in the dorm. I speedily padded down the corridor that led to the staffs part of the building, surprised to see light emitting from the bottom of a door.

Curiously I pressed my ear against the door but I quickly pulled away as it creaked the tiniest bit. It was open and I peeked through the crack wondering who was inside and why they were up so late. Their voices were low and muffled, so I couldn't catch what they were saying but judging by the shadows that flickered across the room, they were probably teachers of U.A., one which was Aizawa.

I assumed it was just a late night meeting and walked back with my curiosity washed away, strolling back to my room with my hands shoved in my pockets.


Since Wattpad is being stupid and not letting me post an announcement, I figured I should say it here:
It's my birthday today, July 22 2004. Just to let you all know haha. :)

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora