Chapter 65

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The medic stepped back, her eyes solemn as she watched me place Todoroki's head in my lap as silent tears trickled down my face, my gentle palm rested on his chest as it felt the last moments of his life.

His heartbeat, so faint and fragile as his breathing matched his heart. I combed my fingers through his hair, whispering his name softly as my tears fell and ran down his pale face, mingling with water drops from the melting ice which fell like gentle rain.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I couldn't save you..." I pulled him closer, his blood seeping through his clothes to mine but I didn't care. I just wanted to embrace him during his last moments.

He was dying because I was too late because I was stupid enough to not notice the signs. He wasn't around anymore because he was preparing for this fight, for his death day. He didn't tell me because he knew I'd freak out and stop him from even leaving his own bedroom if he said he'd go fight Keres.

That must've been why there was a staff meeting so late at night, to avoid suspicion and hide their actions from outsiders. "Shoto... if you can hear me, then I'd like to tell you something."

A tiny miracle answered my desire and gave Todoroki the ability to open his eyes the tiniest bit and shift them over to me. With every action, no matter how small it was it took every ounce of strength from him, and he just managed to utter my name.

My heart writhed in pain, and I said his name back. I had to let him know that I was here, that he wasn't alone. "Don't speak, please," I bit my bottom lip, my throat burning as I tried to steady my voice. "You are such a great hero, you really are. You and Ba-Bakugo were heroes that no one else could have compared themselves to. Which is why I don't- I don't want you to go you still need to live you still need to save people... I still want to love you."

He was dead before I could even finish what I had to say, and it wasn't long before sirens were heard as the police- and presumably other heroes too- were in their way. I wasn't going to let him go, and a flash of serious defensiveness over Todoroki's body ran through me and I snarled and shouted at the medics with a stretcher as they tried to take the now cold as ice body.

Footsteps rumbled neared and I swung my head over to see Endeavour, the number two- no, one hero stroll up to his son's body. I treated him the same as the medics; I didn't care who he was. I wanted Todoroki and no one was going to take him away from-

"NO! DON'T TAKE HIM, HE'S MMPH..." scarfs surrounded my body and over my mouth as Aizawa held me back, and eventually dragged me out from the battle zone and shoved me forcefully in a car.

Everything hit me at once, and just like before my world went grey and dark. Aizawa was surprised in my sudden change but was still on guard in case I lashed out again. His dark eyes occasionally flashed in the rearview mirror, trying to make eye contact but I hung my head, hands tucked under my thighs.


"I don't want to talk."

Aizawa pulled up at the dorm but didn't unlock the doors, instead he turned off the rumbling engine and looked over his shoulder. "(Y/N) listen. You are my student, and you are very important to me. I hate seeing you like this... I know how important those two were to you and I know how you treasured them.  So, can you please let me help? The welfare of our students is a top priority, I'll recommend you a therapist and-"

"Then you wouldn't let them die. If you cared so much for your students then you wouldn't let them die!" His demeanour went dark and he said his next words slowly with a warning tone.

"Watch your tongue (Y/N), you have no idea what the staff and I go through to protect everyone. They made their choice to risk their lives."

My whole body felt like it was being attacked by heat and ice at the same time, and I glared at Aizawa right in the eyes. "Let me out."

His hand lingered on the lock button. "I can't do that, not until you accept help. You're going to send yourself into despair if you don't get help."

Not wanting to listen to him any longer, I clicked open the lock but it went back down again as Aizawa locked it. "Fine, I'll see your damn therapist just get me out of here!" Hesitating for a moment he reluctantly let me out, calling my name when I bolted into the building and to my room.

My body felt heavy. Who was he to act like my parent? He wasn't my dad, he didn't have to stick his nose in my life, he didn't have to offer help, he didn't have to do anything... but he did. Because he's a hero, a lousy so-called hero. Heroes are supposed to save people. He wasn't saving me. No one can save you but yourself.

It wasn't until half an hour later did my brain register Todoroki's injuries. When I held him his right side was covered in ice and was slowly creeping over to his left side as if it was eating him alive. His Quirk was either saving him or killing him, and I didn't know what the answer was. The odd part was the fact that Todoroki only had cuts and bruises.  He could have had broken bones but nothing on his body looked disfigured.

Who is Keres, and what kind of Quirk does he have?

Heartbeat (Todoroki X Bakugo X Reader X Midoriya)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora