Chapter 37

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After Todoroki walked me home, I muttered a tired greeting to my mother as I walked in before I flopped right on my bed, which seemed comfier and cozier than ever before, and the exhaustion of the everlasting events finally took its toll on my body and sent me into dreamland.


I felt like I slept for a few good hours, but when my mom came crashing into my room, rambling something about U.A. and me sleeping in, I knew I was knocked out for a while, and I woke up with a fuzzy head and vision, my senses barely returning as my mom ranted.

"Hurry and make tea! You've been sleeping for more than a day! Get up!" I shot out of bed. If there was something going on that involved U.A., then it must be important. I ignored the weak feeling sleep has left me and wobbled around, shaking my head to wake myself further.

My arm stung from my wound when I banged it on a wall, but I ignored it and flew to the kitchen, filling the kettle with water and shaking tea leaves in with it, waiting for it to boil before putting it on a tray with a few cups, then stumbled to the living room where my mom sat with All Might and Aizawa Sensei.

"Oh... hello All Might, Aizawa." My voice was hoarse, but I bowed respectively and placed the tray on the table, then sat beside my mom who nudged me with her elbow when I yawned.

"Hello (Y/N), Miss (L/N). We came to discuss with you two of the events that occurred a few days ago, and the new dorm system that U.A. has put in place," Aizawa began. I held in a snicker. Seeing him so formal with slicked hair and a suit was amusing, but I ignored it and listened to what he had to say.

"We apologize sincerely for the events that (Y/N) was involved in, and U.A. will strive further to make sure that nothing like that ever happens," Aizawa said with a bow, my mom beginning to look unsure.

"I understand that it was not the school's fault," she began, the two teachers looking slightly relieved at her understanding. "But even with all these heroes and the guarantee of extra safety, I'm still worried about my daughter. She's been abducted by villains once, who's to say that it won't happen again?" She fiddled with her hands and glanced at the teachers, then at me.

All Might spoke up. "We understand your concern, but the way that (Y/N) fought and stood up against those villains proves that she's a true hero. We must have faith in these students, and if we can't trust them or have faith, how will we let them grow and mould them into heroes that will protect society? Especially those without Quirks, I'm sure you understand, and to protect these forming heroes, we must protect them at all costs. So please, we ask you to place your complete trust in U.A." My mother pondered over this for a moment before sighing.

"Alright, you have a point, but I'll still worry over her. Please protect her to the best of your abilities." Both teachers nodded firmly. "Well, what about the dorm that you mentioned earlier?" She gripped my hand, keeping her eyes on the teachers.

"The dorm is a 5-minute walk away from the school, and it will provide the best security and closure for the students. We figured we would like to keep them as close as possible, so we built the dorm for them, and since they're all together it makes our job easier. Of course, it's all for their safety and convenience." She nodded again, convinced with their reasons.

"Before we wrap this up, I would like to talk about (Y/N) and her Quirklessness." I bit my lip and gripped my knees, wondering what Aizawa possibly would have to say.

"She's the very first Quirkless person to enter U.A., and the reason why is because we would like (Y/N) to represent 20 percent of the world, the 20 percent that's Quirkless. Obviously, not now but when she starts her journey as a hero." My eyes grew wide, and so did my mothers. Me? A representative for Quirkless people?!

"Her determination and hard work have proven her to be the right person for this role. Even though she has no possible way of becoming the number one hero, she can show and empower those who are just like her that they can do it, that they have a chance, and give them hope."

My mother turned her eyes to me, pride swelling with tears brimming the edges. "I think that's a great idea." She sniffed and gripped the hem of her shirt, guilt glinting in her eyes. "At first, I was conflicted and skeptical of her going to U.A. but now, she's shown me how much she grew and what she could do, what she's capable of. I'm proud of her, and I'll continue to support her all the way." Aizawa nodded and turned to me.

"Well, what do you think, (Y/N)?" I pressed my lips together before grinning, feeling excited as my future was being discussed.

"I-I mean, it's a big responsibility but, I'd love to! I'm sure I'll be prepared when the time comes." I pressed a curled finger to my lips. "But now that I think about it... wait, does that make me-?!" Aizawa smiled softly at me and nodded.

"That's right. Miss (L/N), your daughter will become someone who will end up in history books as the first Quirkless hero once she graduates from U.A. I'm sure you're very proud of her." She nodded, her chest swelling with pride.

All Might clasped his hands together, both stood up and shook my mother's hand, then thanked me for the tea.

All Might turned around before he left. "Also, on another note, all students will be moving in the day after tomorrow, so make sure to pack all your belongings! We'll send someone to pick up your baggage tomorrow." I nodded and waved goodbye, trying to hide the surprise on my face. The moving date was a bit sudden, but I could do it.

My mother closed the door behind them and turned to me, her eyes and smile kinder than usual. "(Y/N), I'm sorry I doubted you when you were younger. I should've supported you with everything I had- now look at you! You're going to be the very first Quirkless hero, and I know you'll be a great Quirkless hero." I nodded and wanted to place my hands on my hips, then smile like All Might and say 'I'm the greatest hero', but I knew she had more to say, the mood growing more solemn.

"I remember you used to come home all the time, crying because you were bullied at school because you were Quirkless. But you didn't let that stop you, you came home with determination and you trained. You trained for so long. 8 years, 8 years, (Y/N). I can not be prouder. I love you... you're just like your father." The last sentence was soft-spoken, but it warmed my heart.

I smiled and jumped into her arms, hugging her tightly. "Thanks, mom."


Whoaaaaa that's a lot of dialogue... sorry~ I just tried clearing some things up. :/

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